Sofia, 3 March 2022 (TDI): Europe’s oldest country Bulgaria celebrates its National day on 3 March each year. This day represents the Day of Liberation from the Ottoman Domination.

In 1878, the Treaty of San Stefano established Bulgaria as an autonomous republic. The same day, 3rd March was the day of signing the treaty. Treaty was signed between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.


On this day Bulgarian people pay tribute to Bulgarian volunteers who liberated the country from Ottoman Domination. The Liberation was done with the assistance of Romanian and Russian forces during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878.

The celebrations regarding the national holiday include state-sponsored events, speeches, fireworks, and military parades on the roads of the country’s capital, Sofia.

People gather at Shipka Pass mountain where they pay tributes to freedom fighters on the Liberty Memorial monument. People commemorate heroes and pay tribute by laying wreaths of flowers on the Liberty Memorial monument.


Bulgaria remained almost 500 years under Ottoman rule. In 1396 the Ottoman empire conquered Bulgaria and made it part of the Roman province.

In the late nineteenth century, the wave of nationalism swept across Europe. This wave of Nationalism weakened the Western border of the Ottoman empire. Ottoman Empire tried to suppress the revolt but failed, rather it invited Russia to start a war with the Ottoman Empire.

Treaty of San Stefano

In 1877 Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire. After the loss of many precious lives, Russia and the Ottoman Empire signed the Treaty of San Stefano in 1878. The Treaty of San Stefano ended the war and declared Bulgaria an independent state.

The peace treaty, Treaty of San Stefano compelled the Ottoman empire to liberate Bulgaria after 500 years. As a result, Bulgaria was liberated as an independent state. As the Treaty of San Stefano was signed on 3 March 1878, the Bulgarian people celebrate their independence on 3rd March.