Brasilia City, 13 February 2023 (TDI): Since assuming office President Lula de Silva has pledged to fight climate change by protecting the amazon rainforest.

The President of Brazil has pledged to work to reach zero deforestation by 2030 and combat illegal mining in the Amazon region.

Action against illegal mining

An action was taken on Friday against the illegal mining of gold at Yanomami lands, which has also affected the indigenous people living 15 km away from the mining area.

Ministry of Indigenous People Sonia Guajajara said, “It is important that the garimpeiros get out of there as soon as possible. Their presence there poses a fatal risk to the isolated people, so those who refuse to leave should be arrested in operation.”

Regional Action required to preserve Amazon

Last week President Lula called regional countries to join forces in protecting the key resources to fight climate change.

President Lula is working to organize a meeting with the leaders of Ecuador, Columbia, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, and French Guiana to discuss a continental policy to preserve the amazon.

President Lula has vowed to end the deforestation of the Amazon by 2030. In his interview, he said he wants to set up a federal police body that “acts with more force” to protect the rainforest and strengthen other government institutions.

“The commitment is to achieve zero deforestation in the Amazon by 2030. And I will pursue this with fire and sword,” Lula said.

It is also pertinent to note that, under the far-right Bolsonaro tenure, annual deforestation rose by 59.5 percent from the previous four years, and by 75.5 percent from the previous decade, according to government figures.

Farmer Brazilian President Bolsonaro promoted greater economic development in the Amazon, which loosened environmental safeguards.

Also read:  Brazil seeks Germany’s support to protect Amazon rainforest

Earlier this month, Germany pledged $200 million to Brazil to protect the Amazon rainforest.

Since returning to the office, President Lula has assured the international community that he will defend the Amazon rainforest. He also stated that Brazil would have the responsibility for the future.