Brussels, 6 July 2023 (TDI): Belgium has announced an additional contribution of €500,000 to the International Criminal Court’s Fund for Victims (Trust Fund for Victims) to ensure justice for victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

This generous financial support aims to provide much-needed assistance to the victims and their families, including psychological and material support, as well as reparations.

The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV), established under Article 79 of the Rome Statute, plays a vital role in promoting reparative justice for survivors of heinous crimes. Its main mission is to strive to restore the dignity and well-being of victims who have suffered unimaginable pain and loss.

By providing financial resources to support rehabilitation programs, medical care, psycho-social assistance, and initiatives that empower victims, the TFV helps to bring some solace and healing to those affected by these grave offenses.

Belgium wants to ensure its commitment to ensuring justice and equality for victims, by additional support of €500,000 to the fund.

This additional funding will bolster the TFV’s capacity to address the pressing needs of survivors and their families, particularly in regions affected by conflict and mass atrocities.

The TFV, working in close collaboration with civil society organizations and relevant stakeholders, implements comprehensive programs that address the diverse needs of victims.

By combining psychological support with material assistance, the fund aims to assist survivors in rebuilding their lives and communities.

Furthermore, it strives to promote sustainable development and capacity-building initiatives that empower survivors and enable them to reintegrate into society.

Previously, Belgium had contributed €525,000 to the Trust Fund for Victims in December 2020. Read more here.

These funds were used for a wide range of missions by the ICC during the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The International Criminal Court has appreciated Belgium’s unconditional contributions every time by recognizing Belgium’s commitment to contribute to the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.