Geneva, 3 March 2023 (TDI): Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus addressed the 52nd United Nations Human Rights Council session and raised essential concerns about human rights in Belarus and worldwide.
Belarus Deputy Foreign Minister at HRC52 said, “situation of human rights in Belarus is not worse than in any other country. It does not require close consideration in HRC.”
He further claimed, “allegedly true vision of human rights imposed by West on the entire international community is deeply conflicting. it will lead to deinstitutionalization and desacralization of human rights concept in international relations.”
Ambrazevich noted, “unilateral economic restrictions and bans imposed by the USA and its allies against Belarus violate basic human rights documents. Without opportunities for development – there is no possibility of realizing human rights.”
Deputy Foreign Minister at the High-level segment of #HRC52 commented, “HRC in its current state is not part of the solution for international disputes but a problem.”
Belarus’s Deputy Foreign Minister called for defending the right to development from Western pressure and unlawful unilateral coercive measures.
The Deputy Foreign Minister’s speech on the 35th anniversary of the Declaration on the Right to Development raises critical questions concerning the importance of human rights in international relations.
It also highlighted the problems developing nations face in attaining their freedom to grow. The Declaration on the Right to Development acknowledges that development is an intrinsic human right and that the human person is the essential subject of the action.
It advocates for international cooperation to advance the right to development and eliminate development hindrances such as underdevelopment, poverty, and outside economic pressures.
The address of the Deputy Foreign Minister underscores the persistent tensions between Western powers and nations such as Belarus, which have faced economic sanctions and other types of pressure.
52nd UN Human Rights Council Session
At the 52nd UN Human Rights Council session, the Human Right Council reiterated its commitment to achieving the right to development.
The right to development, defined as every human being’s right to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from economic, social, cultural, and political action, is critical for allowing everyone to live their life to their full potential and expanding their capacities.
The conference stressed the need to examine future generations’ rights, particularly in climate change and environmental deterioration. The UN General Assembly has acknowledged the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.
The UNDP is striving to improve national human rights institutions’ capacity to address the effects of environmental degradation and climate change on human rights.
The UNDP’s Climate Promise empowers tens of thousands of people, particularly women, and youth, to directly influence their right to development through discussions on Nationally Determined Contributions.
Also Read: China underscores Global Human Rights Governance at 52nd HRC
The occasion highlighted the significance of bridging the digital gap and ensuring that people have a voice in important decisions that will influence their futures, including addressing climate change.
The UN Secretary-new General’s SDG Stimulus Plan calls for the G20 to agree on a $500 billion yearly stimulus for sustainable development to meet the 2030 Agenda to ensure the right to development.
The new SDG Stimulus Plan requires nations to recommit to 0.7% of their Gross National Income for Official Development Aid and use Integrated National Finance Frameworks.
SDG Stimulus Plan
In 2015, UN member states approved 17 goals for ending poverty, safeguarding the environment, and securing peace and prosperity.
The SDGs are based on human rights and development and realize that sustainable development requires a holistic approach encompassing economic, social, and environmental factors.
The SDGs are directly related to human rights because they strive to promote and safeguard all persons’ rights and ensure that no one is left behind.
The realization of economic, social, and cultural rights, such as the right to food, health, and education, is directly tied to the achievement of several goals, such:
- Goal 1 – No Poverty
- Goal 2 – Zero Hunger
- Goal 3 – Good Health and Well-Being.
Similarly, Goal 5 – Gender Equality, Goal 10 – Reduced Inequality, and Goal 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions – are all linked to promoting and preserving civil and political rights such as non-discrimination, equal opportunity, and access to justice.
The SDGs also value human development, which expands people’s capacities and options to live fulfilling lives.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ensure that economic growth is equitable, inclusive, and sustainable for all, especially the most disadvantaged and vulnerable.
The SDGs aim to foster economic progress, human well-being, dignity, and self-determination by concentrating on human development.
The SDGs offer a framework for achieving sustainable development that is inclusive, equal, and respectful of human rights. As a result, they are strongly related to both human rights and human development.
To create a brighter future for all, the SDGs require the participation and engagement of all stakeholders, including governments, civil society groups, the commercial sector, and individuals.
The Universal Periodic Review process, which recently included marginalized women in Albania, was also cited as crucial to the right to development.
The UNDP works with businesses and governments to maintain the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, mainly through Business and Human Rights Academies.
In his remark, Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator, The UNDP emphasized that the right to development is about human initiative and empowerment, not charity.
The United Nations and UNDP support the right to development, which has lifted millions out of poverty and given them a better life.
The right to development is critical for eliminating inequalities and achieving a more equitable distribution of its benefits.
A student of International Relations interested in National Security strategies, with a good focus on Geo-Politics, Foreign Policy, and Public & Cultural Diplomacy.