Lahore, 15 July 2022 (TDI): Azerbaijani Deputy Head of Mission in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Tamerlan Khalilov made a presentation during the international conference organized at the University of the Punjab, Lahore.

The conference was entitled ‘The Importance of the Belt and Road Initiative in Regional Connectivity’. Azerbaijani Counselor’s presentation was on the economic opportunities of Azerbaijan.

Therefore, during the international conference, Azerbaijan’s economic opportunities in Pakistan were highlighted.

Three-Day International Conference

The conference was jointly organized by the Regional Integration Center, University of the Punjab, Lahore, and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to Pakistan. Notably, the conference included different sessions.

Therefore, the conference established an extensive link between regional stakeholders. As well as enhanced people-to-people contacts for the understanding of the significance of regional cooperation through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Furthermore, it proved to be a great avenue in formulating a future road map under BRI for the legal framework.

Also, panelists and experts from the Eurasian region, BRI partner countries and Pakistan participated in the conference.

On the occasion, the Ambassadors of Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan were also present.

In line with this, the third day of the Conference was conducted in five sessions, the first policy dialogue session ‘No. 1-A’ started with the participation of the leading national academia and scholars.

Therefore, the session’s topic was ‘Prioritizing economic policy options and strategic choices during the global recession among BRI states’.

Remarks by the Federal Minister Hussain

The Federal Minister for Investment, Chaudhry Salik Hussain highlighted that the BRI project is a new model of prosperity and development for the countries of the regions as he addressed the closing ceremony of the conference.

Furthermore, Hussain pointed out that China’s BRI will connect Central and South Asia. Together with Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Russia.

He said that relations between the countries of the region must be strengthened for socio-economic development.

In addition, he stated that the project would improve public and cultural ties between the countries of the region.

Moreover, Hussain said CPEC would enhance export and investment opportunities within Pakistan.
