London, 19 June 2023 (TDI): Today, Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov left for a business trip to the United Kingdom to conduct bilateral dialogues and attend the Ukraine Restoration Conference.

As part of his visit, the Minister is expected to have bilateral consultations with other high government officials and deliver speeches at several think tanks in London along with participating in the Ukraine Restoration Conference.

Azerbaijan-UK Ties

The United Kingdom was one of the first Western countries to extend recognition to Azerbaijan after its independence in 1991. Since then the two countries have shared a sheer strategic bond from high-level political cooperation to humanitarian and cultural linkages.

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The history of bilateral relations between the two countries is marked by the exchange of several high-level visits and bilateral meetings between high government officials from both sides.

In addition, the two have been involved in bilateral foreign policy dialogues along with inter-parliamentary cooperation and have established a partnership in the energy sector for the exploration and transport of natural gas and oil from the Caspian Sea.

Ukraine Recovery Conference

On June 21, 2023, the Ukraine Restoration Conference will be organized in London by the UK together with Ukraine as part of the series of events conducted annually to address reconstruction issues in Ukraine and call the world to collective efforts.

The conference will focus on mobilizing international assistance for the recovery of war-ridden Ukraine in the form of emergency aid through the increased contribution of the private sector, financial institutions and the international community.

Also Read: OSCE: Azerbaijan Minister Met Ukraine Minister

The visit of Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister to London is an important event for the two sides to forge their relations and explore new avenues of cooperation in diverging sectors.

Moreover, the Minister’s participation in the Conference will reaffirm Azerbaijan’s solidarity with the people of Ukraine and its determination to contribute to humanitarian assistance, which is highly needed in a war-torn country.