Sydney, 9 June 2022 (TDI): Through the official webpage of its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Australia firmly denounced North Korea’s latest missile test made in early June. The threat of a nuclear test motivated the condemnation.

North Korea distinguishes itself for its constant and unregulated missile tests. The country seems to have a strong focus on ballistic missiles to counter what it claims is against its national interest and security.

Ballistic missiles can travel thousands of kilometers. Additionally, they are harder to detect and destroy than regular ones. As a consequence, these missiles are the most innovative and dangerous ever produced.

The international community has condemned these recurrent tests by North Korea. Because of its self-induced isolation and lack of dialogue with other countries, in terms of international security, North Korea is isolated because of its policies.

So far this year, North Korea has tested more than thirty missiles. More than five of these missiles were of the intercontinental ballistic type.

This type of missile is made to deliver nuclear weapons and can travel from one continent to another. The test that Australia condemned in this instance happened during the first week of June.

The dangerous behavior of the North Korean regime suggests an impending nuclear test. The US and Australia are warning the international community about this issue.

The behavior goes against the United Nation’s (UN) Security Council guidelines and ignores the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons accord.

Along these lines, Australia has proposed dialogue as the only viable solution. However, North Korea claims that it has to bolster its defense because of its security and strategic environment.

The country called on the UN’s Security Council to take further action against North Korea. Aside from that, a call was also made to all nations to join the movement toward a more peaceful world.


Arantza Duthurburu is a Peruvian, Social & Economical Administration student specializing in International Relations & Affairs.