Islamabad, 20 March 2022 (TDI): The Ambassadors of various countries to Pakistan have started sending in best wishes to Pakistan in wake of the forthcoming OIC CFM session.

The session that Pakistan is going to host on the 22nd and 23rd of March in its federal capital Islamabad. The official statements of the esteemed Ambassadors have started appearing on the Spokesperson of Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affair’s official Twitter account, since yesterday.

Message of High Commissioner of Maldives to Pakistan

The High Commissioner of Maldives to Pakistan, Farzana Zahir shared her remarks in a video message. She stated that the event is going to be a memorable one because it coincides with Pakistan’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations. She stressed the unifying role of Pakistan in OIC. She said that “we are confident” that the meeting will be a success.

Message of Chargé d’ Affires of Libya to Pakistan

The CDA of Libya to Pakistan, Omer Abdukarim expressed his views. He started off by shedding light on the fact that the Islamic world is currently confronting multiple challenges. Among these challenges are rampant terrorism and the rise of Islamophobia.

Through such a platform, the Islamic states must behave in a united manner to resolve such issues. “Pakistan is a very important country” to solve such problems he added.

Message of Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan

The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan, Ulanbek Totuiaev expressed his hopes too. The session will be a useful and fruitful event he stated.

The reason being that it will be serving as a platform to discuss mutual concerns. The concerns include “regional agenda and security“, he particularly mentioned.

Message of Ambassador of Kuwait to Pakistan

The Ambassador of Kuwait to Pakistan, Nassar Abdulrahman J. Almutairi sent in good wishes too. He said “best wishes from Kuwait to brotherly leadership and people of Pakistan”.

His words are a reflection of the brotherly relationship that Pakistan has with Kuwait. Further, he commended and acknowledged the role of Pakistan in building bridges among the Muslim Ummah.

Message of Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan

The Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, Nawaf Saeed Al-Malkiy sent in his message too. The Ambassador stated that the entity i.e OIC is a significant organization for the entire Muslim ummah.

It’s significance can never be sidelined. Further, he commended the government of Pakistan for hosting the OIC CFM session.

Message of Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Pakistan

The Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Pakistan, Yerzhan Kistafin also came forward to voice his message. He said that he hopes that unity and development will not just be words, instead, practical steps will be taken. He expects that actions will be taken that will benefit “our organization and Ummah”.

To put it in a nutshell, several Ambassadors till now have sent their messages and wishes. This process is continuing. More Ambassadors are coming forward as well.

All the dignitaries have high hopes and positive hopes attached to the upcoming session. Pakistan respects their views and warmly welcomes their kind wishes
