Brasilia, 20 May 2022 (TDI): The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) organized a meeting of the Amazonian Parliament in Brazil. The meeting was attended by senior officials from member states.

From the host country Brazil, Foreign Minister Carlos França and Senator Nelsinho Trad participated in the opening ceremony.

Moreover, parliamentarians from eight countries took part in the meeting. The Amazonian parliament aims to establish integrated policies. They also aim to promote cooperation and sustainable development in the region.

In the meeting, the participants adopted a resolution to fully institutionalize the Amazonian Parliament within the framework of ACTO. Moreover, the declaration calls on the Foreign Ministries of the Amazonian countries to negotiate an Additional Protocol that incorporates the Parliaments into the structure of ACTO.

Furthermore, the Brazilian Foreign Minister expressed that the incorporation of the Amazon Parliament will strengthen the ACTO. In addition, he proclaimed that the step will facilitate the articulation of national public policies and the internalization of the agreements reached within the scope of ACTO.

Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization

A regional intergovernmental organization, the ACTO aims to promote sustainable development of the Amazon Basin. It also aims to deal with threats facing the Amazon River and the Amazon forest.

There are eight member countries of the organization. These countries include Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. All these South American countries share parts of the rainforest.

The organization’s important working areas include natural resources, indigenous peoples, tourism, and knowledge and information exchange.

Moreover, the Amazon has a special significance for the global climate and regional governance is highly needed to counter many threats the forest faces.

Regional countries signed Amazon Cooperation Treaty in July 1978. In 1995, the ACTO was created to better manage the activities taken under the treaty. Afterward, in 2002, the organization established a permanent secretariat in Brasilia, Brazil.
