Lusaka, 18 July 2022 (TDI): The African Union (AU) hosted its 41st Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union and the 4th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the AU and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs).

The dominant themes were Africa’s further economic integration, AU’s budget for the year 2023, and strengthening public health emergency operations centers in Africa.

On economic integration and development

The AU convened the session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning, and Integration at the high-level meeting.

The AU leaders underscored the worsening conditions of the African debt crisis as pertinent to discuss.

Subsequently, the Committee discussed debt management, sustainability, transparency, and initiatives for establishing an African debt observatory.

It also tried to generate consensus on a “Common African Position” on the worsening debt problem. Leaders of the African Union also deliberated on the annual budget for 2023.

On resilient public health initiatives

Building resilience amidst Covid-19 and future public health emergencies was one of the predominant themes of this high-level summit. AU, in partnership with the African Center for Disease Control (CDC).

There was an emphasis on establishing more public health emergency operation centers and anchoring them to Ministries of Health of AU members for better preparedness and response.

The Summit, as a result, established the Inter-Regional Knowledge Exchange (I-RECKE) platform on Early Warning and Conflict Prevention. Rwanda was also selected to host the African Medicines Agency Head Quarters.


African Union