Brdo Castle, 20 April 2023 (TDI): The Republic of Slovenia in partnership with Chatham House London and the European Commission organised an international conference entitled, “Africa Day” from 20-21 April.

Since 2012,the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia within the framework of the Bled Strategic Forum has been organising the conference annually.

The conference aimed to strengthen political, cultural and economic cooperation between Slovenia and African countries.

The representatives of governments, international and regional organisations, private sector, civil society, think tanks and academia from Africa, Europe and Slovenia, attended the conference.

The conference focused on the political and economic cooperation between Europe and Africa in the areas of climate security.

Climate change poses one of the most serious threats to global security. No single country or region should face it alone. A strong international partnerships are crucial.

The Africa Day conference identified challenges and discussed steps to be taken. The conference was streamed live and recorded.

The Africa Day was enriched with cultural programmes. The leaders panel discussions was the highlight of the event along with different parallel discussions on first and second day of the conference.

Also Read: Battle for African Influence: China’s Inclusivity vs US Superiority

High Level Panel Discussion-UNSC & Climate Security (April 20, 2023)

The ministers of foreign affairs attended the high level panel discussion. The discussions assessed the risks to international peace and security posed by climate change. They also discovered new avenues to strengthen African and European countries partnerships.
The panel discussion explored the role UNSC can play along with other UN bodies.

(Parallel Panel Discussion)
Inclusive Climate Security Responses

The parallel panel discussion determined the affect climate security issues on women and tried to make youth and civil society more involved in security policy formulation and implementation.

Delivering Effective Multilateral Action

In a parallel event the roles and responsibilities of actors, such as COP28, integrating the multilateral governance system were addressed.

Smart Business Solutions April 21, 2023

This parallel panel discussion focused on some of the key innovations coming from Africa and European countries and ways to nurture them.

Enhancing Nature Base Solutions and Local Action

The parallel panel examined nature base solutions that can be utilized and different challenges to communities in African and European communities.

Slovenia, Africa Business Corporation

The discussion of this parallel panel discovered different ways in which businesses in Solvenia and in different African countries cooperate.

Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development

The participants of Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Camp sought the best idea or innovation in this panel. The idea or innovation addressed either the environment & climate change, health or renewable energy.

Africa Day

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