Kabul, 20 May 2022 (TDI): The meeting between the Afghan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amir Khan Mottaki, and the director of the Islamic Cooperation Organization Office in Kabul, Dr. Mohammad Saeed Al Ayyash, took place in Kabul.

The first subject of discussion in the meeting was Islamic cooperation.

Secondly, it focused on strengthening ties between the Islamic Cooperation Organization and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Thirdly, they talked about the fulfillment of agreements, and initiatives taken by OIC for the development and progress of both sides.

Mottaki complimented Al Ayyash for the support of OIC to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

He expressed his hope that the OIC member nations will continue to work with Afghanistan.

Dr. Mohammad Saeed Al Ayyash remarked that the OIC member countries seek to reach out to the Afghan people.

Secondly, he added that they have expressed their willingness to help and stand with the people of Afghanistan.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

57 nations spreading across four continents are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It is the second biggest organization after the United Nations.

The Muslim world’s united voice is this organization. It strives to promote and protect the interests of the Muslim world.

Regarding Afghanistan, the OIC the Special Envoy for Afghanistan of the OIC Secretary-General highlighted the OIC’s reaffirmed resolve to continue engaging with Afghanistan on several fronts during its recent ministerial conference in Islamabad on March 23-24, 2022.

The Secretary-General emphasized his unwavering commitment to supporting an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process. And to reiterate this, he cited resolutions approved by the Islamic Summit.

The OIC Secretary-Special General’s Envoy to Afghanistan has also paid several visits to Afghanistan.
