Dar es Salaam, 24 November 2022 (TDI): The Africa Continent Free Trade Area’s (AfCFTA) conference on Women and Youth in trade. The conference seeks the inauguration of women & youth as the main engine of the AfCFTA.

The conference kickstarted in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania under the patronage of the President, Samia Suhulu Hassan. The AfCFTA agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive & sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.

The agenda is to ensure that the trade area of all the African countries has access to free trade in and out of the continent. That is why the conference is looking to settle the issues of the organization.

The Women and Youth sector in AfCFTA support the organizations in the implementation of youth-led initiatives. The Conference will ensure initiatives for youths all over the world.

It will tackle African women and youth involvement in all the socio-economic development initiatives ranging from the political participation of various youths to the participation of women trade.

President Samia Suhulu Hassan in the opening speech addressed the need for the conference to focus on the agenda of the African aim to promote free trade area in all aspects of the trade.

Also, being the host country she expressed joy on behalf of her people for the opportunity. The leading youths on the continent will also participate to focus on certain key issues regarding African Youth on the continent.

Also read: AfCFTA to launch Guided Trade Initiative

They will look at issues that have to relate to African youth involvement in all the critical issues in the world. The attendance of other heads of state is to ensure that, they uphold the major factors for youth and women development in their countries.

Tanzania has been a leading member of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area and has continued to support its youths for the sake of development.