15 September 2021 (TDI): Today marks the 200th Independence Day of Costa Rica. The country gained independence on 15 September 1821, following Mexico’s War of Independence that lasted from 1810 until 1821. The Republic of Costa Rica never fought a war for its sovereignty since Guatemala declared the independence of all Central American states on this historic date. However, Costa Rica entirely became an independent nation in 1838 after the dissolution of the Federation Republic of Central America.
Geographical Location:
Costa Rica is a Central American state, bordering Panama to the South, Nicaragua to the North, the Pacific Ocean to the West, and the Atlantic Ocean to the East. The distance between the Caribbean and the Pacific is only about 120 kilometers at the narrowest point of Costa Rica. The largest cities in Costa Rica include San Jose, the capital, Limon, Alajuela, and San Francisco. The land area comprising the state is approximately 51,060 square kilometers in total.
People of Costa Rica:
The country has a population of around 5 million, with Spanish as its official language. Costa Rica constitutes the largest percentage of Spanish descent within Central America. The next largest group comprises Mestizos (people having a mixed European and indigenous ancestry), who constitute about one-fifth of the country’s inhabitants. Moreover, the state also includes a blend of the descendants of colonial Spanish, African and indigenous people, besides a small portion of the Chinese population.
Demographic Trends:
Earlier in the 20th century, Costa Rica’s population growth rate was among the highest in the world. However, as urbanization increased in the country, the population growth rate declined despite a significant drop in the mortality rate. The population decline was largely attributed to the fact that the middle-class families in Costa Rica had fewer children in the late 20th century than the previous generations. However, life expectancy in the country is substantially higher than a vast majority of the Central American states. Costa Rica is also a popular regional immigration destination, given its social programs and numerous job opportunities.
Government and Politics:
Costa Rica is a Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic. The politics of Costa Rica takes place in the form of a presidential, democratic republic, having a multi-party system. The President of Costa Rica, currently Carlos Alvarado, is regarded as both the head of state and the government, considering his cabinet’s executive powers. Meanwhile, the legislative power rests with the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica. When it comes to the election process, the President and 57 Legislative Assembly deputies are elected for the term of four years, where the Judiciary operates independent of the executive and legislature organs, despite being involved in the political process.
Economic Overview:
According to the World Bank statistics, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita in Costa Rica was last recorded at 9619.72 US dollars last year and the country’s GDP per Capita is equivalent to 76 percent of the world’s average. The export of coffee, sugar, bananas, and beef serves as the backbone of the state’s commodity exports and Costa Rica’s impressive biodiversity has made it a key destination for ‘ecotourism’ as well. The country has attracted one of the highest levels of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) per capita in Latin America. However, the rise in fiscal deficit with relatively low levels of domestic revenue has challenged the country’s economy at large.
Flag Description:
The Costa Rican flag is made up of blue-white-blue stripes with a coat of arms in the center. The white color in the flag represents peace, happiness, and wisdom; the red color represents the bloodshed for freedom, besides the generosity of the Costa Rican people. Meanwhile, the blue color in the flag stands for opportunities, perseverance, and the sky.
National Anthem of Costa Rica: Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera
Noble patria!, tu hermosa bandera
expresión de tu vida nos da;
bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo
blanca y pura descansa la paz
En la lucha tenaz, de fecunda labor,
que enrojece del hombre la faz;
conquistaron tus hijos, labriegos sencillos,
eterno prestigio, estima y honor,
eterno prestigio, estima y honor
Salve, oh tierra gentil!
Salve, oh madre de amor!
Cuando alguno pretenda tu gloria manchar,
verás a tu pueblo, valiente y viril,
la tosca herramienta en arma trocar
Salve, oh patria!, tu pródigo suelo
dulce abrigo y sustento nos da;
bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo,
vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz!