Harare, 29 August 2022 (TDI): Mid-Term Review Meeting of the 8th Session of the Zimbabwe-Iran Joint Permanent Commission took place on 29 August. James Manzou, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs and International Trade Zimbabwe Co-chaired the meeting. His Iranian counterpart, Director-General, Mr. Hamed Forouzan also chaired the meeting.

The meeting offered an opportunity to take stock of the progress made in implementing decisions made at the 8th Session of the Joint Permanent Commission on Cooperation (JPCC).

Remarks of Officials

In his welcome remarks, Ambassador James Manzou highlighted that the JPC presents an excellent opportunity to develop & expand trade & economic relations. The platform provides the opportunity to cooperate while leveraging the “excellent political relations” between the two states.

Moreover, Iran’s Head of Delegation indicated his government’s commitment to deriving full dividends in different sectors. It includes value addition and processing, Importation of poultry from Zimbabwe, and technical support in the agriculture sector.

It further includes the deployment of technology to boost productivity, agricultural equipment and transfer of technology, and cross-border farming.

Zambawe Iran Relations

Diplomatic relations between two states were started by the formation of Tehran embassy in Zambabwe in 2003. Since then both countries signed multiple cooperation agreements covering political ties and economic relations in the technology and infrastructure fields.

These agreements clarified high-level cooperation between the two countries in agriculture, the oil industry, education, and humanitarian aid. Zimbabwe and Iran have also confirmed their intention to increase cooperation between their private sectors and facilitate trade between the two nations.

Moreover, The Joint Permanent Commission, established in 1991 has facilitated improvement in relations on the diplomatic, scientific and economic fronts.

Iran has made major investments in Zimbabwe’s agriculture, textile industries, tractor manufacturing, mining, renovation and repairing of aviation transportation installations.

Joint Permanent Commission