Buenos Aires, 2 September 2022 (TDI): International leaders condemn the assassination attempt on Argentina’s Vice President (VP), Cristina Kirchner.
The President of Bolivia, Luis Alberto A. Catacora condemned the act of assassination against Argentina’s VP.
Repudiamos enfáticamente el atentado contra la vida de la hermana @CFKArgentina, vicepresidenta de #Argentina. Desde el Estado Plurinacional de #Bolivia enviamos todo nuestro apoyo a ella, a su familia, al gobierno y pueblo argentino. #TodosConCristina pic.twitter.com/UmuK0jjqOa
— Luis Alberto Arce Catacora (Lucho Arce) (@LuchoXBolivia) September 2, 2022
Bolivia’s President sent his remarks of solidarity to Kirchner and her family, adding that Bolivia stands with the people of Argentina.
The Vice President of Bolivia, David Choquehuanca also condemned the assassination attempt against the Vice President of Argentina. He added that no one can kill justice, freedom, and life.
Venezuela’s President expressed solidarity
The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro also showed solidarity with Argentina’s Vice President, Kirchner. He added that this was an attempt to destabilize the peace of the brotherly people of Argentina.
Enviamos nuestra solidaridad a la Vicepresidenta @CFKArgentina, ante el atentado contra su vida. Repudiamos enérgicamente esta acción que busca desestabilizar la Paz del hermano pueblo argentino. ¡La Patria Grande está contigo compañera! #FuerzaArgentina #FuerzaCristina pic.twitter.com/BEqRsYIMjl
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) September 2, 2022
Maduro further added that no one has the right to conduct the attempt or take the life of someone like this. He conveyed his respect to Vice President Kirchner.
Colombia & Peru condemned the assassination attempt
The President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro also came forward and openly condemned the attack on the VP of Argentina. Petro said that the attack on Vice President Kirchner was a result of sectarianism.
El atentado a Cristina en Argentina, es el resultado del sectarismo que se convierte en violencia.
Se ha convertido en práctica latinoamericana pensar que la política es la eliminación física o jurídica del adversario, tal práctica es puro fascismo. La política debe ser libertad https://t.co/TvrlgaZsQg
— Gustavo Petro (@petrogustavo) September 2, 2022
The President of Colombia also added that such action was an act of fascism. He went on to enunciate that politics must be all about freedom.
Petro further said that politics in Latin America needs a change through the elimination of such adversaries.
Read More: Argentina and Chile foster development diplomacy
Peru’s President Pedro C. Terrones said that the Peruvian government and people condemn the illicit action against the Vice President of Argentina.
Along these lines, he also condemned the assassination attempt and considered it violence against humanity.
Toda mi solidaridad con la vicepresidenta @CFKArgentina y el pueblo argentino. El Gobierno peruano condena el atentado ocurrido hoy contra su vida. Repudiamos todo acto de violencia.
— Pedro Castillo Terrones (@PedroCastilloTe) September 2, 2022
US and Russia condemn the assassination attempt
The Ambassador of the United States to Argentina, M. R. Stanley condemned the attempt of assassination against the VP of Argentina.
He declared the act as the practice of extremism and fascism. He prayed for peace to Argentina’s VP and rejected every form of violence.
Estamos aliviados de saber que la Vicepresidenta @CFKArgentina esté bien. Estados Unidos se une a la Argentina y a toda la gente pacífica en el rechazo a la violencia, el extremismo y el odio en todas partes.
— Embajador Marc R. Stanley (@USAmbassadorARG) September 2, 2022
Moreover, the Russian Embassy in Argentina stated that there is no justification for such violence. Condemning the attempt of assassination against Vice President Kirchner, the Russian Embassy added that Russia stands with Argentina.