Geneva, 25 April 2022 (TDI): The use of force in law enforcement operations is strictly limited and governed by international norms and standards.

The Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ravina Shamdasani delivered these remarks in response to Israel’s escalating violence in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. Al-Aqsa Mosque is a Holy site for both Muslims and Jews.

Casualties due to Violence in Al- Aqsa mosque 

Earlier, Israeli forces injured 180 Palestinians, including 27 children during a raid on the compound of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The tensions escalated as the Holy month of Ramadan and Passover were taking place side by side.

Israeli security forces arrested nearly 470 people over the weekend. The people released afterward are prohibited from entering the compound of the mosque. Earlier, the UN condemned the violence at the holy site and stressed resolving the rift peacefully.

The brutality in the Al-Aqsa Mosque continues as the Israeli forces injured six people with rubber bullets while forcing them out of the compound on Thursday.

More cases were reported on Friday morning, including a journalist, an older person, and a paramedic among injured people.

The use of force by Israeli police resulting in widespread injuries among worshippers and staff in and around the Al Aqsa Mosque compound must be promptly, impartially, independently, and transparently investigated,” she added.

“Those responsible for any violations should be held to account, and policies and procedures on using force reviewed to avoid any further violations.”

Brutality and arrest of civilians

“A number of Palestinians, including elderly, women, children, and at least one journalist, who did not appear to pose any threat to the Israeli security forces, were beaten with batons or shot with sponge-tipped bullets from close range,” said Shamdasani.

The UN Representative noted that the conduct of Israeli forces raised severe concerns about the use of widespread unnecessary and indiscriminate use of force.
