Caracas, 19 March 2022 (TDI): Venezuelan Vice Minister for Latin America, Rander Peña Ramírez received the Ambassador of Peru to Venezuela, Librado Orozco in Casa Amarilla, Antonio José de Sucre.
In addition to discussing bilateral relations, they expressed mutual interest in enhancing ties between the two countries, including in the fields of culture, tourism, and commerce.
Regarding the review of the recent consular round, Vice Minister Peña expressed that it was carried out “with the firm intention of having periodic meetings for the review of all consular issues between our countries.”
Moreover, Vice Minister Peña also expressed his sympathy with the people of Peru following a natural disaster. The Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanked the Vice Minister for his message of support for the tragedy of Pataz.
On 16th March, a land sliding incident in the Peruvian province of Pataz buried up to 80 homes. There are reports of multiple deaths, several injuries, and much loss of property.
There has been an outpouring of messages of solidarity and offers of assistance from regional countries including Columbia, Bolivia, Argentina, and Venezuela. Aid and Relief work is still ongoing in the affected area.
Peru-Venezuela Relations
Peru and Venezuela have centuries-old ties as both countries were part of the Spanish colonies. Both countries established formal diplomatic relations more than 150 years ago on February 1853.
Peru resumed diplomatic relations with Venezuela in October 2021. This occurred after almost four years of severed ties and intermittent communications between the two South American countries.
Peru, along with several other American countries, severed diplomatic ties with Venezuela in 2018. It refused to recognize the results of the Presidential election that enabled Nicolas Maduro to serve another six-year term as President.
However, with the election of a new government in Peru in 2021, the relations between Venezuela and Peru are slowly but gradually reviving.