Washington DC, 8 March 2023 (TDI): The United States (US) Department of State’s Spokesperson Ned Price in a video statement announced that the US is providing additional humanitarian assistance for Rohingya refugees.

Nearly $26 million will be given to refugees in Bangladesh and the region, to people in Burma affected by ongoing violence, and to communities hosting refugees from Burma.

Moreover, he noted that this assistance will help alleviate the suffering of those affected by violence and displacement in Burma and Bangladesh.

Also, this humanitarian assistance will be used to provide essential medical services, nutrition, shelter, education, and other critical aid to refugees and communities affected by violence in Burma and Bangladesh.

Likewise, it will also help support long-term efforts to build resilience and mitigate the effects of displacement.

The Spokesperson endorsed that this assistance will help ensure that vulnerable populations have access to the necessary resources to survive and rebuild their lives.

Thus, it will also provide sustainable solutions for displaced people, helping them return to their homes and build stronger, more secure futures.

Displacement in Burma and Bangladesh

For the record, Burma is facing widespread violence and displacement due to a long-running conflict between the country’s military and various ethnic armed groups.

Displacement in Burma (Myanmar) and Bangladesh has been a growing phenomenon since the early 1990s.

It is estimated that between 300,000 and 500,000 people have been forced to leave their homes due to a combination of political repression, conflict, and economic deprivation.

In Burma, the Rohingya people, who are primarily Muslim, have been systematically marginalized and denied basic rights such as freedom of movement, and access to healthcare, education, and other services.

This persecution has led to mass displacement as they flee to neighboring countries, particularly to Bangladesh.

In recent years, ethnic violence against Rohingyas in Burma has only intensified, further accelerating the displacement of this minority group.

In Bangladesh, displacement is largely driven by environmental factors, such as floods, cyclones, and other economic factors.

The country’s rapid population growth and lack of arable land have forced many rural people to migrate to urban areas in search of employment and better economic opportunities.

This has led to an increase in slum populations, with overcrowded living conditions and limited access to basic services such as health care and education.

Additionally, the risk of natural disasters such as cyclones and floods is a major cause of displacement in Bangladesh, with over 1.5 million people being displaced each year.

These refugees are living in overcrowded and precarious conditions, facing inadequate access to food, clean water, healthcare, and other resources.

Thus, the US is providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict and displacement in Burma and Bangladesh out of a sense of responsibility and compassion.