Washington DC, 27 March 2023 (TDI): On Thursday evening, President of the United States (US), Joe Biden made a long-awaited trip to US’s northern neighbor i.e. Canada.

During his 24-hour whirlwind visit, he pressed to elevate a concerted effort to repair the bilateral relationship as the two nations confront growing geopolitical challenges.

Furthermore, Biden’s visit included a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, an address to the nation’s parliament in Ottawa, and a cozy reception at an elaborate gala dinner.

Today, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, and the President of the US, Joe Biden, released a joint statement outlining a shared commitment to strengthen cooperation and collaboration in various areas to:

  • Catalyze clean energy and create good jobs
  • Strengthen resilience of critical mineral and semiconductor supply chains
  • Protecting shared waters and the Arctic
  • Advancing diversity and inclusion
  • Bolster global alliances
  • Invest in collective defense and security
  • Disrupt the illicit production and distribution of synthetic opioids
  • Manage migration collaboratively
1st point of agreement

Both countries will continue to implement the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement and lead the clean energy future through robust clean energy industrial policies, mobilizing technological innovation, and expanding the middle class while keeping the environment healthy for future generations.

Canada is introducing an enhanced plan to support a clean economy future. This includes a new investment tax credit for clean technology manufacturing, tax measures supporting clean hydrogen and clean technology adoption, and the promotion of low-emissions goods such as green steel and aluminum.

To accelerate cooperation on critical clean energy opportunities and supply chains, the US and Canada have launched a one-year Energy Transformation Task Force.

The task force will work on securing and strengthening renewable energy and electric vehicle supply chains, critical minerals and rare earths, grid integration and resilience, and advanced and conventional nuclear energy.

Both countries will also work towards an integrated North American approach that benefits US and Canadian workers, suppliers, and products.

They will harmonize charging standards and develop cross-border alternative fuel corridors with USD $7.5 billion in the US Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and CAD $1.2 billion in Canadian funding.

The purpose will be to build a network of electric vehicle fast chargers and community charging options on both sides of the border.

Finally, the US and Canada will work together to address the climate impact of goods, propose regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their respective sectors.

An internationally aligned approach to measurement, monitoring, reporting, and verification for lifecycle methane and CO2 emissions across the fossil energy value chain will also be developed.

Moreover, both countries will coordinate efforts to develop secure and reliable North American nuclear fuel supply chains, including joining the FIRST program, which aims to promote the responsible use of Small Modular Reactor Technology.

2nd point of agreement

Both countries aim to diversify supply chains essential to clean energy, semiconductors, aerospace, and defense while meeting sustainability, worker, health and safety, Indigenous and Tribal consultation, and community engagement standards.

The US will provide funding for Canadian and US companies to mine and process critical minerals for electric vehicles and stationary storage batteries.

Furthermore, Canada will make CAD $1.5 billion available to accelerate critical minerals production and support advanced manufacturing, processing, and recycling.

The US and Canada will also promote secure and resilient semiconductor supply chains, creating jobs in both countries.

Additionally, they will establish an Advanced Technology Data and Security Dialogue and deepen collaboration on shared priorities in quantum information science and technology.

3rd point of agreement

The US and Canada committed to fighting climate change and building net-zero economies, conserving biodiversity, and protecting fragile ecosystems, including in transboundary waters and the Arctic.

Both countries will advance conservation, environmental protection, and resilience in partnership and consultation with Indigenous peoples and populations in the unique shared Arctic ecosystem.

The two countries will collaborate to prepare for, prevent, and respond to oil spills and other environmental disasters in the Arctic. They also announced a renewed commitment to preserving and restoring the Great Lakes.

So, Canada will invest CAD $420 million over the next decade, while the US’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided USD $1 billion for cleanup and restoration activities.

The US and Canada will intensify their work towards agreement on a modernized treaty regime for the Columbia River Basin to focus on flood risk management, power generation, and environmental benefits that are shared equitably by both countries and stakeholders.

The two countries also intend to reach an agreement in principle to reduce and mitigate the impacts of water pollution in the Elk-Kootenai watershed, in partnership with Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples, by this summer.

4th point of agreement

In addition to, both leaders reaffirmed their shared commitment to promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls, including with respect to child benefits, early learning and childcare, pay equity, and women’s entrepreneurship.

5th point of agreement

The US and Canada reaffirmed their commitment to global alliances, including NATO and the UN, and expressed their concern against Russia’s actions in Ukraine while supporting Ukraine.

They acknowledged the challenge posed by China while cooperating with them on mutual interests like climate change.

Both countries decided to maintain their commitment to Taiwan’s peace and stability and support economic prosperity partnerships across the Americas and Indo-Pacific.

They will also collaborate to support global infrastructure investment and enhance multilateral development banks.

The US and Canada remain concerned about the security situation in Haiti and are committed to providing humanitarian and security assistance.

6th point of agreement

US and Canada will invest in modernizing the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), including the procurement and fielding of two next-generation Over-the-Horizon Radar systems and investing in northern forward operating locations.

Thus, these investments will be funded through Canada’s planned investments in defense infrastructure. The leaders also acknowledged the need to combat criminal activity in both countries through the Cross-Border Crime Forum.

Also Read: US reaffirms strong & comprehensive bilateral relationship with Canada

Likewise, U and Canada also decided to deepen cooperation on improving the cybersecurity and resiliency of critical infrastructure, with a focus on pipelines and electricity, and respond to any adversaries targeting critical infrastructure systems.

7th point of agreement

Both countries will cooperate to share intelligence on cross-border fentanyl and precursor chemical trafficking to interdict and investigate.

Canada joined the US global coalition against synthetic drugs and reaffirmed its commitment to defeating the synthetic opioid crisis with Mexico.

8th point of agreement

US and Canada remain committed to advancing the principles of the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. Canada will welcome an additional 15,000 migrants on a humanitarian basis from the Western Hemisphere this year.

Officials will implement an agreement to apply the Safe Third Country Agreement to deter irregular migration at the shared border, and both countries will coordinate closely.