Washington D.C., 7 July 2022 (TDI): The US Assistant Secretary of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Lee Satterfield, will travel to Brazil from July 7-12, 2022.

According to the press release by the Office of the Spokesperson, Assistant Secretary will be visiting Sao Paulo and Rio de Janerio.

Agenda of the Visit

During this visit, Assistant Secretary Lee will promote entrepreneurship, democracy, and human rights through people-to-people exchanges and public diplomacy programs.

She will engage with students, civil society leaders, and alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs in Sao Paul and Rio de Janerio.

Lee Satterfield took to her Twitter to express her excitement about this visit. In her tweet, she mentions the 200-year friendship between the people of the US and Brazil.

She also expresses the ability of such Cultural and Educational programs in strengthening mutual understanding and cooperation.

Scheduled Activities in Sao Paulo

During her visit to Sao Paulo, Assistant Secretary will inaugurate a new Education USA center, the official source of U.S. higher education for international students.

This will be in collaboration with the Brazilian educational group, ETAPA, to promote international student mobility.

The Assistant Secretary will also meet the U.S. and Brazilian participants of the pilot Youth All-Stars Abroad exchange. This exchange program empowers young women through sports diplomacy.

Scheduled Activities in Rio de Janerio

In Rio de Janerio she will open the first in-person American Film Showcase workshop along with American artist Alrick Brown. They will be accompanied by Brazilian-born filmmaker and visual artist Ivete Lucas, and 12 local filmmakers.

The American Film Showcase uses film to bring people from diverse communities together to engage on key issues of the day.

She will also visit the Valongo Wharf, which consists of the remains of 19th Century landing points for enslaved Africans. It also consists of one of eight historic sites in Brazil whose conservation is supported by the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation.

Additional engagements of the Assistant Secretary focus on higher education exchanges. These include English language programs for underserved communities and women’s entrepreneurship.