Washington DC, 31 March 2022 (TDI): The Pentagon has requested a $773 billion fiscal in the 2023 budget, released on March 28 for a classified new National Defense Strategy.

Their policy still continues to focus on China. Russia is now classified as an acute threat. Michael J. McCord, the US Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) spoke to media and told that the growth with inflation in 2022 is 1.5 and without inflation, the increase is 4 %.

The Pentagon has requested $773 billion in the new budget of 2023 because they wish to increase their buying power and incorporate new services, as per McCord.

Almost $742.3 billion is reserved for the Pentagon in 2022 but now they have requested to increase $30.7 billion in the new fiscal budget in 2023.

National Defense Strategy 

Another $6 billion went to increases in compensation for personnel, including a 4.6 percent pay raise for service members and civilian employees, increases in the Basic Allowance for Housing and Basic Allowance for Subsistence, and a raised minimum wage for contractors.

Inflation that has hit its peak recently is causing alarm for government officials and Pentagon. Because of high inflation, it’s become difficult to bring and incorporate new business and projects.

“We built into this ‘23 budget the best information that we have at the time we built the budget,” Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen H. Hicks told reporters.

“As in any year, we’re going to be working that as we get closer to the reality, and even in execution, we’ll have to work on that.”

The new National Defense Strategy which builds on the Secretary’s message to the force and outlines the defense priority directly informed the 2023 budget request.

McCord has presented three methods that would reach their funds target through, campaigning, integrated deterrence and building enduring advantages.

The new national defense strategy isn’t revealed yet to the public but has provided the basic assumptions of the strategy, including:

  • Defending the ecosystem and building a joint force.
  • Preventing any attack on the United States and its allies
  • Preparing to retaliate in any conflict but prioritizing stopping any aggression.
  • Protect the homeland against any threat, such as the threat posed by China and Russia.
National Defense Strategy