Washington DC, 4 March 2023 (TDI): The United States (US) Secretary of State, Antony Blinken released a statement in which he applauded the country’s Permanent Representative to the UN Agencies for Food and Agriculture in Rome, Cindy McCain on her new appointment as Executive Director of the World Food Program (WFP).

She has been installed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) and the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for this noble cause.

In his statement, US Secretary commended Ambassador McCain for her kindness and commitment to helping others. He also praised her longstanding efforts to improve the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people, saying it was an “inspiration to all”.

US Secretary expressed his confidence in Ambassador McCain’s ability to lead the WFP and emphasized that her deep experience and understanding of international issues will be an invaluable asset in her new role.

The Secretary stated that the US is proud to have such a talented and dedicated leader representing the country at the World Food Program. In return, McCain thanked US Secretary for his kind words and expressed her enthusiasm for her new position.

Moreover, she vowed to work tirelessly to ensure no one is left behind in the fight against global hunger and promised to bring a new perspective to the World Food Program.

Past Experience of Ambassador McCain

To mention, McCain has considerable experience in both business and public service.
She has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors for Hensley & Co., one of Arizona’s largest beer distributors, for over 30 years.

In addition, she has been an active advocate for military families and veterans, founding the American Pregnancy Association and spearheading initiatives to improve healthcare services for veterans and their families.

Also, Ambassador McCain served on the board of directors of several charities, including Operation Smile, CARE, and Halo Trust.

As the Executive Director of WFP, Ambassador McCain will lead efforts to end hunger in more than 80 countries around the world.

She will also be responsible for coordinating relief efforts for those affected by conflict and natural disasters and representing the United States’ interests within the organization.

Thus, her impressive track record and decades of experience will no doubt prove valuable in this regard.

To conclude, US Secretary ensured that the US looks forward to working closely with Ambassador McCain as she takes on this important role.

Functions of the World Food Program

For the record, WFP is the world’s largest humanitarian organization which aims to help nearly 150 million people confront conflicts, disasters, and impacts of climate change this year.

WFP works with governments and civil society organizations to develop sustainable solutions to the root causes of hunger and poverty, and its programs are funded by voluntary contributions from governments, corporations, and individuals.