Montevideo, 29 July 2022 (TDI): The Chamber of Commerce and Service of Uruguay held a Webinar to capitalize on the Business opportunities in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s national institutions and companies, the prospective Chambers of Commere, and the Business organizations were also evaluated during the online event.

Presentation on the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan by the Director of Engineering & Mineral Department, Fatima Khalil was delivered in the Webinar.  The session concluded that Pakistan is internationally outstanding for its remarkable business prospects.

The country is good in the textile industry, leather production, the finishing industry, Rice production, processed foods, and pharmaceutical sectors.

Furthermore, the beautiful landscape of Pakistan has wonderful tourist attractions all across the world. Khalil emphasized that the establishment of connections between institutions and promotional activities has improved the business sector of Pakistan.

Additionally, business trips of Uruguay Companies to Pakistan serve to keep the agreements on track. Furthermore, the Economic Advisor of the Chamber of Commerce and Service of Uruguay, Ana Laura Fernandez appreciated Pakistan.

She said Pakistan has a strong agricultural product line as well as dairy products, live cattle, and global engineering services.

Moreover, the potential for further development was highlighted in relation to soy, wood, and live animals. Rate reductions and coordinated efforts between both the public and private sectors were the primary sectors that need to be investigated.

Members of the commercial section of Pakistan’s Embassy in Argentina, Guido Martnez and Jameel Baloch, emphasized cultural understanding. Additionally, these factors actually foster fruitful communication and collaborative trade among both Pakistan and Uruguay.

According to data on international trade from the United Nations COMTRADE database, Pakistani exports to Uruguay amounted to US$6.2 million in 2021.

Business Opportunities