New York, 15 September 2022 (TDI): United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) warns the world about the rising sea levels and the dangers to the coastline areas in its report. The report specifies the details efforts of UNDP in the Asia Pacific for adaptation to climate change.

Rise in sea levels 

According to UNDP, the rise in sea level may reach 1.1 metres by the end of this century. Almost two-thirds of the world’s cities are in areas at risk of sea level rise. Furthermore, more than 5 million people inhabit these cities.

According to the report, people living in low-lying and crowded coastal areas in the south and southeast Asia are experiencing the impacts the most. The erosion, flooding, salinization, intensifying storms, and ocean changes are disrupting their lives.

Moreover, there is a growing danger for the people living in the pacific islands. These small islands are densely populated, with infrastructure and economic assets located at an elevation below 10 metres.

On top of that, this sea level rise is posing an existential threat to the people living on atolls with mean elevations of 1 to 2 meters. Moreover, the sea level in the western Pacific has been increasing at a rate of 2 to 3 times the global average.

Also read: Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

UNDP’s efforts across Asia and the Pacific

UNDP is working together with countries to adapt and build coastal resilience to climate change. This is being achieved with the financial assistance of the Green Climate Fund, Global Environment Facility and Adaptation Fund.

To save the planet from the effects of these rising sea levels, UNDP emphasizes that we must act now. The world must strengthen climate information and early warning system. Climate-proofing coastal infrastructure, and proposing natural solutions are the need of the hour.

Furthermore, the best way to adapt to climate change is to strengthen and diversify the livelihoods. Conserving and protecting water bodies is essential for the sustenance of life. Moreover, without controlling greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation, the risks are predicted to increase significantly in the next few years.

rising sea levels

Social Scientist