Islamabad, 2 July 2022 (TDI): The Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Political Affairs, Romina Khurshid Alam met with the UN Women Pakistan team regarding sustainable development goal No. 5 in Pakistan.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss mutual areas of interest in leveraging gender equality and women’s empowerment agenda in Pakistan.

UN Women

United Nations Women is a UN organization working for gender equality and women empowerment.

The purpose of its establishment is to strengthen and accumulate progress the needs of women and girls worldwide.

Also, women’s empowerment helps in boosting the status of women through various fields like literacy, education, training, and awareness creation.

Furthermore, women’s empowerment also ensures women’s freedoms and independence. It gives them the ability to make life choices that had been previously denied them.

UN Women Pakistan

Pakistan is the world’s fifth country when it comes to population country and the second-largest country in South Asia.

The sixth Population and Housing Census held in 2017 revealed Pakistan’s population has increased by 57 percent, from 132.3 million in 1998 to 207.7 million.

The Census also reveals that males outweigh women, with men for 51% of the overall population and women for 49%.

Pakistan has adopted several key international commitments to gender equality and women’s human rights.

Further, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the Beijing Platform for Action; the convention on the elimination of all the different kinds of discrimination against women.

National commitments include a national policy for women’s empowerment and development.

Similarly, the Act, Criminal Law, and National Plan of Action on Human Rights (Act, Criminal Law, and National Plan of Action on Human Rights serve the same purpose.

Local commitments include Gender Equality Policy Frameworks and different women’s empowerment projects, as well as, packages, and initiatives.

In conclusion, despite all efforts and legislation, Pakistan ranks among the lowest in the world in terms of gender equality.