Islamabad, 13 November 2023 (TDI): The United Nations Offices operating in Pakistan on Monday observed Remembrance Day to honor their UNRWA colleagues who lost their lives in Gaza due to the ongoing conflict.
This memorial ceremony was a part of the global commemorations for the killed UNRWA colleagues observed by the United Nations offices around the world.
United Nations offices across the globe lowered the UN flag to half-mast today, including UN offices in Pakistan. The staff members observed a minute of silence to mourn and honor the loss of the Agency’s workers.
A total of 101 workers from the Agency have been killed in the war in the Gaza strip and many of them were killed with their families.
UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Established in 1949 the agency aims to provide humanitarian assistance and protection for Palestinian refugees in the Agency’s area of operation.
The main locations where the Agency carry out its operations include West bank, including East Jerusalem, The Gaza Strip, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.
Also Read: WHO chief briefs Security Council on Gaza crisis
According to the UNRWA website, the death toll for UNRWA is the highest in UN history and continues to increase. Workers killed include teachers, health workers including a gynecologist, engineers, support staff, and a psychologist.
Tom White, Director of UNRWA in Gaza Strip said, “UNRWA staff in Gaza appreciate the UN lowering the flag around the world. In Gaza however, we have to keep the UN flag flying high as a sign that we are still standing and serving the people of Gaza.”
UNRWA is currently operating at 150 facilities across the Gaza Strip accommodating 780,000 people.
UN facilities were also targeted during the war in Gaza. To date 60 UN facilities including the ones providing shelter have been impacted, including 10 directly affected in the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
Abdul Momin Rasul is a contributing author on TDI