Tripartite Task-force discusses situation of refugees in Libya

AU, EU and UN task force on Libya
Tripartite Taskforce discussed situation of refugees in Libya

Brussels, 21 March 2023 (TDI): On Monday, the 20th of March, the Tripartite Taskforce on the Situation of Migrants and Refugees in Libya, comprising the African Union (AU), European Union (EU), and United Nations (UN), convened in Brussels for a meeting.

The Tripartite Taskforce on the Situation of Migrants and Refugees in Libya convened in Brussels to discuss their collaboration with Libyan authorities in improving the living conditions of migrants and refugees in Libya.

The meeting was attended by high-level officials, including the AU Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development Minata Cessouma Samate, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, and IOM Director-General António Vitorino, to advance the priorities of the Taskforce.

Throughout the meeting, the Taskforce reiterated its unwavering commitment to support the Libyan authorities in tackling the pressing needs on the ground. They also agreed to work together to develop legal and policy frameworks that do not discriminate against migrants and refugees, which are based on international and African Union standards, and prioritize human rights. These efforts aim to safeguard and rescue lives along migratory routes, especially in Libya.

Furthermore, the Taskforce urged the international community to support Libyan authorities in combatting human trafficking and smuggling of migrants. To this end, the Taskforce suggested facilitating effective prosecution efforts while preventing the risks of re-trafficking and disappearance.

Overall, the Tripartite Taskforce meeting demonstrated the collective effort of the AU, EU, and UN in addressing the dire situation of migrants and refugees in Libya. The Taskforce’s continued commitment to this issue sends a message of hope to those impacted and the world at large.

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The Taskforce also agreed to support awareness raising on the dangers of the journeys along the migratory routes and to seek durable solutions for migrants and refugees.

It is also to be noted that the Tripartite Taskforce discussed the use of Emergency Transit Mechanisms in Niger and Rwanda, and emphasized the need for the international community, including the African Union and the European Union, to offer tangible support.

The meeting took place on the sideline of the European Humanitarian Forum in Brussels.

The Forum brings together decision-makers and key actors from the humanitarian community across the globe with the aim of strengthening the EU’s role as a humanitarian actor.

Accounts: @AU_HHS @AmbSamate @_AfricanUnion @EUtoAU @Refugees

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