Dushanbe, 28 November 2022 (TDI): The President of The Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon who is also the Founder of Peace and National Unity had a telephone conversation with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron on diplomatic and peaceful relations.

During the conversation, the President of Tajikistan expressed his gratitude to Emmanuel Macron for the long-standing diplomatic relations they have both enjoyed.

Also, he congratulated the President of France for his continued effort to promote diplomatic relations in his country after the last Paris Agreement they had in 2021.

Furthermore, they looked at certain pressing issues worrying their countries and how to combat them, especially the issue of terrorism. There has been a major challenge in dealing with these issues across the globe.

Also read: Phone Call between Presidents of Tajikistan and Turkey

Both leaders seek to ensure that these challenges are strictly dealt with within their region. The conversation further centered on how to work jointly in eliminating these issues.

President Emomali Rahmon made it known to his counterpart the need to work together in other to overcome these issues. Also, the issue of Afghanistan was brought to attention, looking at how they will work together to bring peace to these nations.

Employing diplomatic tactics in tackling the issues will bring development to Afghanistan as said by the leaders during the meeting. Afghanistan has experienced some level of conflict in the last few years, and this has affected the development of the region.

Finding a long-lasting solution to the problem will help to promote peace and development for the rest of the people within the region.

At the end of the conversation, the President of Tajikistan thanked Emmanuel Macron for the time they both had together and their continuous relations as friends and allies.

He further reiterated the fact that his country will continue to collaborate with France for all forms of support.