New York, 19 May 2022 (TDI): Sweden’s Permanent Representative to the UN in New York, Anna Karin Eneström attended the Ministerial Meeting at the UN and delivered national remarks on Global Food Security.

Firstly, Eneström stated that the findings concerning the latest Global Report on Food Crisis are appalling and similar to the findings of the last year.

Furthermore, she pointed out that the 2020 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World provided warnings, that, since 2014 the number of people affected by hunger has been on the rise.

Previously in 2019, according to the WFP Hunger Map, it was clear that one in nine does not have enough to eat.

In addition, the Representative highlighted that they must continue making the case for investing in peacebuilding, whereas the benefits are extremely clear.

Above all, she said their commitment to addressing the main drivers of food insecurity; conflict, and impacts of climate change must be realized.

Moreover, Eneström emphasized that famines do not occur naturally and they are the outcome of political failure. Following this, she referred to Russia’s aggression that it is in severe breach of the UN Charter through its invasion.

Thus, the Representative called for the end of Russian aggression, so as to allow the restarting of exports and Ukrainian agricultural production.

Also, she expressed that the emerging strong support on ways to move away from food insecurity and fragility, in the direction of zero hunger and sustainable inclusive food systems, is reassuring.

Sweden’s Role

Moreover, Eneström said that Sweden welcomes the initiatives taken by the UN, G7, and different institutions and organizations to address the triple food, energy, and finance systems crisis.

She maintained that their efforts need to reach those who are in need the most. Particularly, women and girls because they are affected adversely by the food crisis.

As an EU member and a major provider of humanitarian and development funding, she stated that Sweden contributes financially and politically.

According to Eneström, Sweden spearheads efforts on increasing funding to the UN system proudly. Therefore, it has co-led the mobilization of human resources that include aid for Yemen.

She added that Sweden is part of WFP’s biggest partners and that it is also a major contributor to FAO. Likewise, the Representative highlighted their bilateral development assistance to agriculture and food security directed especially to African countries.

Sweden's Representative