Colombo, 9 December 2022 (TDI): The government of Sri Lanka congratulated Tanzania on its Independence day been today, 9 December 2022.

The government tweeted, “Best wishes and sincere greetings from the people  and the Government of Sri Lanka to the United Republic of Tanzania on the happy occasion of their Independence Day.”

The United Republic of Tanzania celebrates its independence day on the 9th of December every year to mark its freedom from British rule.

This year’s event has been canceled by the President, Samia Suluhu Hassan to pave way for them to use the money for charity in the country.

Sri Lanka-Tanzania relations

It is pertinent to note that, the relations between Sri Lanka and Tanzania have been long established. Both countries consider each other as friends and allies who seek to foster their relations stronger. 

In 2014 Tanzania and Sri Lanka signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) led by the then Foreign Affairs Minister of Tanzania, Bernard K. Membe.

The occasion led to long-standing relations between both countries. They have continued to establish their relations more into trade relations and partnerships.

There is currently a partnership on sustainable coconut research between them. People from both countries can now undertake research-related activities to improve their coconut sector of the economy.

Moreover, the agreement to increase and strengthen political relations as well as the establishment of a Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCO) has been established between them. 

Also, promises to protect and support each other have been a great move as they have constantly shown that their relations are built in diplomatic ways.

Also Read: Sri Lanka-US to foster stronger ties

Free movement of nationals of these countries has been made easier due to the establishment of high commissions.

On 4 February 2019, the Sri Lanka government handed over the honorary consul of Sri Lanka to the United Republic of Tanzania. This created a way for an independent establishment of the consulate.

Partnering with each other on multiple cooperation for the development of their economies. The export of goods and services has been a major source of revenue generation for them.