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Spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the EU calls EEAS’s petition response on Xinjiang a total disregard of facts


Brussels: 2 July 2021 (TDI)-   Spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the EU says the EEAS’s petition response on human rights situation Xinjiang is in total disregard of facts and confounding black and white. 
On Thursday, the Spokesperson was asked for his comments on the petition response on Xinjiang released by the EEAS which stated that the EU is gravely concerned with the human rights situation in Xinjiang and has conveyed its position to the Chinese side several times. It claimed that the EU has repeatedly called for the immediate release of Ilham Tohti and other human rights defenders and urged China to grant access to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to enable an independent assessment. It added that the EU has imposed sanctions on relevant Chinese individuals and entities and will continue to speak out for human rights in Xinjiang. 


In his response, he stated that the EEAS’s response is in total disregard of facts and confounding black and white. Opposing it, he said that the document, listing what the EU has done on Xinjiang in recent years, is clear evidence of its interference in China’s internal affairs under the pretext of the so-called Xinjiang-related issues and fully exposes its hypocrisy on human rights issues.

He highlighted that over the past few decades, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Xinjiang has made unprecedented and historic progress in economic and social development, human rights, and people’s wellbeing. No one knows better than the 25 million-plus Xinjiang people about Xinjiang’s human rights situation and people’s wellbeing. The EU side is in no position to make groundless accusations.

He added that the door to Xinjiang remains open. In the last few years, more than 1,200 diplomats, journalists, and religious figures from over 100 countries have visited Xinjiang. China has sent an invitation to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit Xinjiang and the two sides have been in constant communication. China has also invited many times diplomats from the EU and its member states posted in China to visit Xinjiang. However, the trip has not materialized due to preconditions set by the EU side, which are unacceptable to any sovereign state.

He pointed out that equality and mutual respect are the basis for dialogue. China will never accept preaching from those who feel they have the right to lecture others. It will firmly reject accusations and smears based on lies and oppose meddling in its judicial sovereignty. Any interference in China’s internal affairs will be met with a strong and resolute response.

He concluded by asserting that disinformation will not wipe out Xinjiang’s development achievements, and petty tricks will not hold back China’s progress. Just as futile as an ant trying to shake a tree and a mantis trying to stop the car, no one can stop Chinese people from marching in confident strides toward the centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.

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