HomeNewsSpokesperson of Chinese Mission to EU commented on NATO

Spokesperson of Chinese Mission to EU commented on NATO


Brussels, 18 March 2022 (TDI): Spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to EU commented on China’s position towards Ukraine Crisis along with NATO’s role in the region. The remarks came on March 17.

Along these lines, the interviewer presented the stance of NATO’s General Secretary, Stoltenberg, who remarked that any type of support, military or otherwise, would help the Russian Federation to wage a war against Ukraine. Stoltenberg’s comments on China’s role amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict came on March 16.

Following that, the interviewer added Stoltenberg’s remarks that this war would cause unprecedented destruction and a humanitarian crisis. Therefore, he pointed out that China, as a permanent member of the UNSC, must act in line with International law and condemn the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

Remarks of Chinese Spokesperson to EU

In response, the Chinese spokesperson said that he has noted all the mentioned comments and suggestions. Furthermore, he highlighted that Chinese people related to the sufferings of other countries because they know who bombed their embassy in Yugoslavia.

Moreover, the Chinese Spokesperson pointed out that Chinese people don’t require lectures regarding justice from the international law abuser. As far as NATO is concerned, it is perhaps the world’s largest military alliance.

But, he added that NATO continues to expand towards the eastern flank for broadening its geographical scope and operations. In this regard, the Chinese spokesperson questioned the role of NATO towards the world’s peace and tranquility. Lastly, he remarked that NATO must acquire good reflection.

Ukraine Crisis- A brief Overview

On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine. A day before, the Security Council of Russia adopted the decision to hold a ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine.

Before this, a day before, Russia also recognized the Republics of the Luhansk and Donetsk, much to the West’s chagrin. The Donetsk and Luhansk are a part of the Donbas region that is pro-Russia territory.

Recently, Western countries had been alleging Russia about troops’ deployment on the border of Ukraine. However, Russia had been denying the allegations by claiming that it has no intention to invade Ukraine.

One of the main issues of contention between Russia and the EU/US is NATO’s beefed-up defenses in northeastern Europe and Ukraine’s intent to join NATO. A series of negotiations were held between Russian and Western counterparts to avert escalation. Though, that indelibly failed.

According to Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s stance regarding Ukraine is a matter of principle. In this context, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that if attempts to come to terms on mutually acceptable principles fail, Russia will adopt an appropriate response.

Au contraire, the Ukrainian authorities had been alerting the world about a possible invasion. Consequently, tensions escalated between the two countries and led to strained bilateral relations.

Moreover, despite the United States and EU sending strong messages to warn Russia, the threat of economic isolation couldn’t deter Russia to compromise on what it considers its national interest.


Tahira Khan
Tahira Khanhttps://thediplomaticinsight.com
MPhil Scholar at Centre of South Asian Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore

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