HomeDiplomatic NewsForeign MinistersSpeech by Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of China during “Pakistan-China at 70:...

Speech by Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of China during “Pakistan-China at 70: A Unique Bilateral Partnership” Session


Here is the text of the Keynote Speech by State Councilor and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi on the Opening Session of “Pakistan-China at 70: A Unique Bilateral Partnership”

Your Excellency Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi,

Distinguished Guests, Friends, Good morning.

I am delighted to attend this Conference on the 70th anniversary of China-Pakistan relations together with my good friend Foreign Minister Qureshi. This is indeed a very important event as so many people with a vision from both countries gather together to review the momentous seven-decade journey of the relationship and make plans for another promising seven decades. Let me thank Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed for all the efforts that made this event possible. I also wish to take this opportunity to extend our sincere greetings and heartfelt appreciation to friends from all sectors of the two countries for your long-standing support for China-Pakistan friendship.

History is a mirror. It helps us observe the present and look far into the future. Seventy years of solidarity and collaboration and seventy years of progress through thick and thin between China and Pakistan have forged a unique iron-strong friendship, rock-firm political mutual trust, and most valuable strategic asset.

China and Pakistan are equal friends who understand and respect each other. Despite social and cultural differences and those in political systems, we always show understanding and respect to each other, and strive to be the best heart-to-heart friends for each other.

China and Pakistan are friends in need who share weal and woe. At every perilous moment when we are challenged by internal or external difficulties or major disasters,

we always extend each other a helping hand at the first available opportunity, and strive to be the most trusted partners for each other.

China and Pakistan are devoted friends of integrity. When our sovereignty, territorial integrity, or national dignity is being undermined and challenged, we always stand firmly by each other’s side, and strive to be the most reliable brothers for each other.

China and Pakistan are friends for moral justice who shoulder responsibilities together. In multilateral institutions such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and on regional and global hot spot issues and on regional and global hot spot issues, we always coordinate and collaborate closely with each other, and strive to be the strongest teammates for each other.

Distinguished Guests,Friends,

The confluence of the once-in-a-century major changes and the global pandemic is bringing the world into a period of profound transformation. As all-weather strategic cooperative partners, China and Pakistan more than ever need to deepen strategic cooperation, rise to challenges together and achieve common development.

And we more than ever need to step up the efforts to build a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future in the new era.

First,we should enhance strategic communication. China will maintain high-level interactions and exchanges with Pakistan in all forms to provide timely strategic guidance for the bilateral relationship. We will act on the important consensus between our leaders to coordinate positions and extend mutual support on issues related to each other’s core interests and major concerns, uphold and expand our common interests from a strategic height, and take practical steps to deepen and strengthen cooperation in all fields.

Second,we should join hands together to defeat COVID-19. China will continue to take it as its top priority to work with Pakistan to fight the virus. We will timely share control and treatment experience with Pakistan, and provide vaccines and other anti-COVID supplies until the Pakistani people fully defeat the virus. The two countries should further strengthen coordination and collaboration in COVID-related efforts at the international and regional levels, support the WHO in playing an active role in the global fight against the pandemic, oppose vaccine nationalism and political manipulation of international cooperation on COVID-19 origin-tracing, and jointly contribute to humanity’s early victory against the virus.

Third, we should steadily advance China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). China will take into consideration the needs of Pakistan, and give priority to cooperation in industry, agriculture and people’s livelihood. We will help Pakistan’s economy enhance its capacity for self-reliant development, promote high-standard, people-centered and sustainable development, and make the CPEC a fine example of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. We will work closely with Pakistan to identify priorities for the next stage of the CPEC. And we will actively explore CPEC cooperation with third parties, and extend CPEC to other neighboring countries so as to lend fresh impetus to its future development.

Fourth,we should join hands in safeguarding regional peace. The future of the Afghan issue is a practical challenge to both China and Pakistan. China will, together with Pakistan, continue to support the parties in Afghanistan in seeking a political solution through dialogue and eventually achieving national reconciliation and enduring peace.

We will encourage other stake-holding countries to strengthen communication and collaboration, effectively contain spillover of security risks, and especially prevent regional and international terrorist forces from wreaking havoc and prevailing, so as to ensure overall stability in the region.

Fifth, we should practice true multilateralism. China stands ready to step up cooperation with Pakistan on international affairs and make global governance more just and reasonable. Together, we should champion the common values of mankind of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom. We should together oppose zero-sum game and Cold War mentality, oppose creating exclusive and confrontational blocs, and oppose the attempts to force other countries to choose sides. We should together uphold the UN-centered international system and the international order based on international law.


China just celebrated the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Prime Minister Imran Khan and many Pakistani friends from various sectors have extended their warm felicitation in different ways. We deeply appreciate this. On 1 July,General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important speech at the Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the CPC. He comprehensively reviewed the glorious 100 years of struggle of the CPC and the remarkable accomplishments of the Chinese people rallied and led by the CPC, and solemnly announced that China’s national rejuvenation has become a historical inevitability. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the 95 million plus CPC members and 1.4 billion Chinese people will work with one mind, uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and stride forward confidently along the path we have chosen for ourselves. Globally, we will advocate peace,development

and win-win cooperation, and continue to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and preserve international order. We will endeavor to build a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind, and provide the world with new opportunities through China’s new development progress.

As an all-weather strategic cooperative partner and iron friend, China genuinely wishes Pakistan greater unity,stability,development and strength. This serves the fundamental interests of the Pakistani people. It is also the best wishes of the Chinese people and conducive to peace, stability and sustained prosperity of the region and beyond. No matter how the world may change, China will stand shoulder to shoulder with Pakistan, and firmly support Pakistan in upholding its national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, in finding a development path suited to its national conditions,

and in attaining the great vision of a Naya Pakistan.

I hope that our distinguished guests and friends will make the best use of this opportunity to exchange views, build consensus, and contribute your wisdom and strength to a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future in the new era, to an all-weather strategic cooperative partnership at new heights, and to a brighter future of China-Pakistan relations.

I wish the conference a full success.

Thank you.

The Diplomatic Insight is a digital and print magazine focusing on diplomacy, defense, and development since 2009.

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