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Monday, March 10, 2025

South Africa reshapes basic education

Pretoria (TDI): The South African Minister of Basic Education, Siviwe Gwarube, weighs on the progress achieved by the education sector in the past six months. She expressed utmost optimism for the year ahead and reiterated her mission to transform the country’s education system through a strategic reorientation.

The reorientation places high emphasis on foundational learning. Reflecting on the past six months of accomplishments, the minister delineated major reforms to enhance early childhood education, improving foundational literacy, and expanding mother-tongue-based bilingual education.

“We have embarked on a strategic reorientation of the Basic Education system, one that places foundational learning at the center of our education reform agenda,” Minister Gwarube stated. This enterprising proposition envisages a significant boost in educational outputs. It seeks to align the education system with South Africa’s wider economic priorities by ensuring that future generations possess the knowledge, skills, and practices that are globally competitive.

The essential elements of this reform agenda include:

  1. Broadening Access to Early Childhood Development (ECD): Providing early learners with quality education.
  2. Strengthening Foundation Phase Learning: Improving literacy and numeracy skills in the early years of schooling.
  3. Scaling Up Mother-Tongue-Based Bilingual Education: Scaling up access to bilingual instruction to enhance comprehension and cognitive development.

Minister Gwarube underlines the pertinence of achieving these transformative reforms through earnest collaboration beyond government efforts. “Government alone cannot drive the necessary changes at the scale and pace required,” she said, calling on educators, parents, the private sector, and civil society to take on a proactive part in transforming South Africa’s education landscape.

As the country welcomes 2025 with sanguinity, the Department of Basic Education is resolute in realizing its goal of ensuring that all South African children are provided equal opportunities to reach their full potential. The department further envisions an education and training system that empowers young learners and supports a competitive workforce. 

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These reforms reflect a long-term plan to reinvigorate economic and social development and secure education as the bedrock of South Africa’s future wealth.

The education sector hopes for more impactful initiatives as Minister Gwarube and her team strive to build the foundation of education and learning in South Africa. She conveys her sentiments as an affirmation of honoring the past work while simultaneously embracing new avenues of improvement and overcoming challenges. 

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