Geneva, 24 January 2022 (TDI): The Russian inter-governmental delegation is attending the 150th session of the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Russian Minister of Health, Albertovich Murashko, is leading the delegation of the Russian Federation. This session is starting on January 24 and will end on January 29, 2022.

However, this session is designed to take place in hybrid form. Thus, representatives can participate via video communication as well.

Agenda of 150th Session of WHO

The purpose of the session is to discuss ways of international cooperation in the field of health. It will also deliberate the 13 General Program of Work (2019-2023). Subsequently, participants will argue the financial, legislative, and executive issues of WHO.

Most importantly, the session will focus on the course of emergency preparedness and response qualities of WHO. In this regard, the leadership of the executive committee has prepared proposals to establish a new auxiliary body.

Besides, the session will oversee the candidature of Director-General, Tedros Adhanom for the second time. Thereafter, World Health Assembly will ask for the recommendations in this context.

It is to be noted that Tedros Andhanom belongs to Ethiopia. He is the first African Director-General who is serving WHO since 2017.

Opening Remarks of WHO Director-General

Director-General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stated that the need of the hour is the allocation of more funds for the emergency response sector. Unfortunately, World Health System is much down due to its inability to fight infectious diseases.

He also said that WHO is the leading global health authority because of its tiring efforts around the globe.

Statement of Russian Delegation

As far as Russia is concerned, it supports the principled role of WHO as coordinator of international health work. Undeniably, it fully supports WHO’s responsible measures and multilateral efforts to fight the Corona pandemic.

Perhaps, the Russian delegation is prepared to have constructive and deliberative interaction with all the participants of the executive committee. Similarly, it supports the organization’s transparency and accountability policy at every level.