Remarks of Pakistani Diplomat on Counter-terrorism

Pakistani Diplomat addresses the UNOCT event and give remarks over 'Counter-terrorism'

New York, 15 July 2022 (TDI): Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan in UN, Ambassador Aamir Khan, addressed the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism’s (UNOCT) second 2022 Quarterly Briefing to the Member States.

Raffi Gregorian, Deputy Under-Secretary-General & Director of UNOCT, chaired the interactive session.

The Pakistani diplomat stated that one of the most serious manifestations of these threats is based on some pre-defined tags. These tags include islamophobia, xenophobia, racism, and other forms of intolerance.

He also mentioned that these threats are mainly posed by violent nationalists, supremacists, far-right, & other groups & ideologies.

He reiterated that to address the issue of terrorism, it is important to address the situations of prolonged unresolved conflicts. Moreover, these conflicts include foreign occupation and the denial of the right to self-determination.

History significantly bears testimony to the undeniable reality of suppression of the right to self-determination. This has always resulted inevitably in the perpetuation of violence and conflict.

Aggressors often try to justify their suppression of legitimate struggles for self-determination and freedom by portraying it as terrorism.

A call for reforms in the counter-terrorism regime

Pakistan welcomes the work of the Human Council on the protection and promotion of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms.

While countering terrorism underlines the challenges of safeguarding the right to self-determination in situations of foreign occupation.

Furthermore, Pakistan’s ambassador called upon the Secretary-General and the UN system to step up their efforts. The system needs to apply all means to ensure that counter-terrorism measures are not misused.

He also reiterated Pakistan’s call to enhance the transparency of the UN sanction regime. He stated that the UN should re-address the deficiencies in the Global Counter-terrorism mechanism.

Pakistan’s efforts to counter terrorism

Pakistan has been one of the major victims of terrorism and has put a lot of effort into countering this issue.

These include the Anti-terrorism Act of 1997 and the National Counterterrorism Authority (NACTA) Act. Moreover, there are the 2013 Investigation for Fair Trial Act and the 2014 amendments to the Anti-terrorism Act (ATA).

Above all, Pakistan is willing to work closely with the international community to address the global threat posed by terrorism.

Pakistan believes that it is important to make the necessary reforms in the existing counter-terrorism regime. It is to enhance its acceptability and effectiveness.