Lima, 2 April 2022 (TDI): Officials from Peru and Switzerland participated in the 4th Meeting on Economic Affairs between Peru and Switzerland.

The Director of International Economic Negotiations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Miguel Alemán, headed the Peruvian delegation.

Along with him, the Deputy Head of World Bilateral Economic Relations and Head of the Americas Division of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Peru also chaired the meeting. Hervé Lohr led the Swiss delegation.

Moreover, officials from the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Promperú, and the Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation also participated.

Content of the Discussion

The participants recognized the satisfactory development in the economic relations between the two countries. This growth has been supported by the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein are members of the EFTA. This trade agreement has especially benefited exports of coffee, silver, and yarn to the countries of EFTA. It is in force since 2011.

Likewise, the parties recognized the significant role of Switzerland’s bilateral cooperation with Peru through SECO. Furthermore, they agreed to continue strengthening these relations to promote economic recovery and reinforce the joint fight against COVID-19.

They also discussed the opportunities to promote greater Swiss investment in our country. On this occasion, a meeting between the private sectors of both nations was also held.

The Director of Commercial Promotion of the Foreign Ministry, Minister Luis Mayaute led the Peruvian business community. Herve Lohr represented the Swiss business.

The participants belonged to the cocoa and chocolate, clothing, handicrafts, and agribusiness sectors. They agreed to promote cooperation in the sustainable development of Peru’s cocoa and chocolate value chain.

In addition, the Swiss delegation welcomed the initiation of the process of accession of Peru to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Also, it offered cooperation to strengthen Peru’s public institutions to achieve the standards required by the OECD.
