Jeddah, 20 July 2022 (TDI): Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the OIC, Ambassador Rizwan Saeed Sheikh, called on Secretary General of OIC, Hissein Brahim Taha to discuss the areas of cooperation.

The meeting at OIC headquarters in Jeddah was a follow-up to the resolutions adopted by the 48th session of the Council of Foreign Ministries, held in Islamabad on March 23, 2022.

In addition, the 48th session of the Council of Foreign Ministries was convened by OIC with the theme of “Building partnerships for unity, justice, and development.”

The OIC Secretary General discussed the implementation of resolutions on various issues in the Islamic World, particularly the problem of Palestine and Al-Quds.

Along these lines, the development in Afghanistan and its humanitarian ramifications for the Afghan people has also been discussed.

Both sides also discussed the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and the ongoing human rights violations in the region.

Moreover, Pakistan’s permanent representative has highlighted that Pakistan was able to institutionalize its humanitarian commitment to Afghanistan and get support from the OIC members over its position in Kashmir.

Promulgations made by Secretary General and Ambassador

Ambassador Rizwan Saeed Sheikh and Hissein Brahim Taha exchanged views on key events and implementation of mandates of resolutions adopted by the 48th CFM session held in Islamabad in March.

Further, The parties indicated a desire to improve dialogue and bilateral collaboration on the subjects and issues of shared interests. As well as explore the current areas of cooperation.

Ambassador Rizwan Sheikh highlighted the importance of the OIC’s role at the international and regional levels. In particular, he emphasized the significance of the OIC’S role in matters about Jammu and Kashmir.

Also persisting Islamophobia in the world and recent events in Afghanistan. The Secretary-General, on his part, agreed on the areas of interest shown by the Ambassador.

He appreciated Pakistan’s ongoing interest in the OIC’s pursuits. And welcomed the vigorous participation in OIC’s engagements.

OIC Secretary General