New York, 21 June 2022 (TDI): On behalf of 57 OIC members, Pakistan raised concerns over the denigration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the United Nations General Assembly on Monday.
On #HateSpeechday , OIC calls on the int’l community to display a collective resolve to confront all manifestations of #hatespeech.That is the spirit behind #OIC ‘s initiative to UNGA’s designation of 15 March as Int’l Day to Combat #Islamophobia.
— Permanent Mission of Pakistan to UN, NY (@PakistanUN_NY) June 20, 2022
The voice was raised against the officials of India’s ruling party over the denigration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as well as the defamation of Islamic sacred figures and religious symbols.
Ambassador Munir Akram, Pakistan’s permanent representative to the United Nations, addressed a high-level meeting of the 193-member Assembly against Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hostility in many regions of the world.
Abusive Acts towards Islam
The Ambassador recalled recent OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) statements on ‘Republishing of Abusive Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) by French Charlie Hebdo Newspaper’, ‘Burning of Copies of Holy Qur’an During Anti-Muslim Demonstrations in Sweden’, and as well as, Denigration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Officials of India Ruling Party’, and other similar acts.
Such acts are abusive and it is offending the feelings of Muslims all over the world and it is disrespecting the UNHRC’s purpose to provide freedom of expression to Muslims across the world, he proclaimed.
Further, he added that Islam promotes socioeconomic equality, peaceful coexistence, and interreligious cooperation. It also forbids discrimination on any basis.
In addition, Ambassador Akram stated, quoting the Holy Quran, which says:
“O mankind, certainly We have formed you from male and female and fashioned you peoples and tribes so you may know one another. Indeed, in the eyes of Allah, the noblest among you is the most virtuous of you.”
OIC’s call on the UNGA
“With such categorical injunctions,” he stated, “the OIC group clearly opposes the practice of insulting Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and any other religion similarly, and stands against any acts of hatred and violence based on religion or belief.”
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) calls on the international community to demonstrate a collective resolve to confront all manifestations of hate speech, including xenophobia, intolerance, and incitement to violence on the basis of religion or belief.
Moreover, it called on the international community to work together to promote inter-faith harmony and peaceful coexistence.