Beijing, 5 August 2022 (TDI): Pakistani Embassy in China condemned the Modi regime’s 5 August actions on violating the UN charter of peaceful resolution of Kashmir.

In their tweet, the Embassy called the day of 5 August the blackest day for the Kashmiri people. They contemplated the actions of the Modi regime as brazen violations of the United Nations charter.

China’s support for Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir is of unquestionable. The two countries believe that the future of the valley should be settled in accordance with the will of the Kashmiri people.

The Embassy expressed its unwavering political, moral and diplomatic support for the just struggle of the Kashmiri people, as enshrined in the relevant UN resolutions.

Additionally, to mark the solemn anniversary of Youm e Istehsal Kashmir, a seminar on Kashmir was arranged in the Embassy.

Youm e Istehsal

Youm e Istehsaal marks the completion of the 3rd year of India’s illegal and unilateral actions of Aug 5, 2019. Pakistan has restated its persistent and resolute support to Kashmiris. Pakistan firmly asserts that it will never let India fulfill its unfair plans.

On August 5, 2019, the Modi-led Bhartiya Janata Party government abated Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution. It abandoned the law that granted Kashmir its special status. Thus, altering the demographic structure of the occupied territory.

Today, the whole nation gave a message to their Kashmiri brothers that the people of Pakistan stand with them. They advocate their just struggle for the right to independence and against the atrocities committed by the Indian forces.

Messages from Pakistani Officials

The President of Pakistan, Arif Alvi paid tribute to the martyrs of Kashmir who laid their lives in the struggle for independence.

Taking to his official Twitter handle, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif also denounced the Indian actions of August 2019, in Kashmir.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan (MoFA) also tweeted that the country stands firm in its support for the people of Kashmir. This will carry on till the realization of their just right to peaceful self-determination.

Pakistan Embassy in China