Hague, 8 July 2022 (TDI): Pakistan participated in the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Executive Council’s 100th session. The session concluded after the three-day session.

Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the OPCW, Muhammad Wasif, sent his warm welcome to the Executive Council’s new chair.

The Pakistan delegation is certain that the Executive Council’s new chair will be able to guide the Council and its 100th session.

Pakistan’s delegation assures the Executive Council’s new chair of its full cooperation and support in this regard.

Pakistan after Pandemic

The delegation of Pakistan is in the Ieper chamber for this historic hundredth session of the EC, with the OPCW’s extreme measures for the COVID-19 Pandemic being relaxed further.

While Pakistan aims to return to total normalcy in the way they conduct business. So, although Pakistan embraces the new normal of prudence, Pakistan also understands that the essence of multilateralism is embodied in the capacity of state parties to effectively have their voices heard and concerns addressed.

The comprehensive and effective ban on chemical weapons development, manufacture, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, transfer, and use, as well as their destruction, remains the cornerstone of the convention to which Pakistan is all parties.

As a result, Pakistan hopes that the accomplishment of the destruction of chemical weapons will be this year.

Pakistan on Chemical Weapons

Pakistan also hopes that the elimination of abandoned chemical weapons would occur quickly. Pakistan has also examined the Director General’s reports on the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapons program.

Moreover, Pakistan believes that the next course of action will be more inclusive, based on engagement and ongoing negotiations between the OPCW Technical Secretariat and the State party.

Further, the delegation added lives in a changing world, and as a collection of states dedicated to the shared aim of eradicating chemical weapons and condemning their use by anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Pakistan must accommodate variations in approach and capacity. Pakistan hopes that any new procedures implemented keep the differences in mind and do not deprive any member state of its right to full engagement due to technological problems.

Articles X and XI of OPCW

The delegation also commended the DG for leading the organization during the difficult period of the pandemic.

By the provisions of articles X and XI, the delegation noted with satisfaction that efforts were undertaken during the epidemic to reach out to those stakeholders who needed assistance.

It could be remiss not to acknowledge the progress achieved in the OPCW chem-tech center. Pakistan is a proud donor to the chem-tech center and is eager to participate further in this initiative through capacity-building and knowledge-sharing activities.

Finally, Pakistan has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to contribute completely and wholeheartedly to the review conference process.

The delegation applauded the Open-Ended Working Group in this regard, and Pakistan hopes that this year they will work toward an inclusive process that will result in consensus for the fifth review conference.