Alofi, 18 August 2022 (TDI): Nanaia Mahuta, Minister of Foreign Affairs New Zealand visited Niue Hospital. She congratulated the staff for their successful response to Covid-19.

New Zealand Government’s support 

Niue Hospital has achieved this stone mile in collaboration with New Zealand’s medical assistance which significantly encourages the relationship between the countries.

Moreover, Niue has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, with 99 percent of its eligible population double vaccinated against Covid-19.

Recently, the Data released by Foreign Affairs, Niue Covid-19 vaccines to children aged between 5-11 years achieved over 95 percent coverage.

The New Zealand government significantly supported Niue medical staff to enhance their response and preparedness to Covid-19.

Associate Health Minister and Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs Aupito William Sio of New Zealand also congratulated the Premier of Niue Dalton Tagelagi. He visited New Zealand to encourage their collaboration in the Health sector.

Moreover, Aupito said, “ It is an to support the government of Niue to achieve such high coverage. We also welcome the opportunity to support pediatric vaccination not only in Niue but also in the Cook Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Fiji.”

New Zealand assistance to Niue in the Past:

New Zealand International Development Cooperation funded the Polynesian Health Corridors Programme which is controlled by the Ministry of Health.

Furthermore, till July 22, 117,300 doses of pediatric vaccines have been delivered to these 7 countries with a further 67,900 planned.

In addition, New Zealand provided 3,990 Pfizer adult doses to meet Niue’s eligible adult and 16-17-year-old primary and booster vaccination needs through Niue’s pediatric Covid-19 Immunisation Program.

Beside Health assistance, New Zealand provided Niue to meet the energy Crisis. According to Foreign Ministry, New Zealand will invest $500,000 worth from 2022-2025 in Niue’s renewable energy projects.

This builds on $5 million for solar generation from a previous climate package, announced by the Prime Minister in 2018. Niue has a target of 80% renewable generation.

Niue Hospital