Washington, 23 September 2021 (TDI): The United Nations tweeted about the general debate that occurred on Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly. The UN urged all leaders of the world to focus on the necessity for international solidarity during the COVID-19 crisis. Besides that, world leaders have to focus on present challenges to maintain peace and security in the world.
As the world is in the midst of the COVID-19 crises, the general debate on the 76th session of the UNGA was held in a hybrid format. This hybrid format will be helpful for all because some leaders can join virtually whereas those who can travel to New York can join physically to deliver their statements in the iconic Assembly hall.
An amazing opportunity that not only helped states to speak out about the challenges they faced because of the COVID-19 crises but also helped leaders to know how to counter these challenges.
The head of the states took this change to define the world’s most pressing challenges. During this event, they also discuss hurdles to maintain peace in the world. The high-level discussion took part during this event to fight against racism, transforming food systems, and sustainable energy.