Since the disastrous floods in Pakistan, China has pledged the largest amount of help to Pakistan. This totals over 644 million RMB; approximately 90 million dollars. 
Since the disastrous floods in Pakistan, China has pledged the largest amount of help to Pakistan. This totals over 644 million RMB; approximately 90 million dollars. 

Islamabad, 29 October 2021 (TDI): The Pakistani Foreign Ministry stated, “Pakistan is committed to building closer China-Pakistan relations with a shared future in a new era,” while highlighting both countries’ deep relations.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad, the Spokesperson for the foreign ministry, on Thursday addressed the press that in these 70 years, our bilateral partnership has stood strong and has grown healthier.

Moreover, he claimed the high-quality development has assisted Pakistan’s socio-economic development within the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Since both countries are powerful allies in matters of national interests, therefore, Pakistani and Chinese cooperation is possible in all areas of interstate relations.

Both sides are now focusing on the second stage of the CPEC. He stated that China’s incredible success in industrial development and economic growth will help the country to benefit from modern agriculture and poverty relief.

Adding to this, Asim Iftikhar also mentioned the importance of the year as China is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Moreover, the two countries also celebrated the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations

Ahmad claimed that Pakistani and Chinese leaders had spoken to each other “with traditional warmth” recently via telephone in which Chinese President Xi Jinping called on the two countries to stand together and push forward the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership between the two sides on which Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan stated that Pakistan-China relations have gone through tests, and the two countries have shared weal and woe and supported each other.