Berlin, 4 February 2022 (TDI): During his visit to Germany, Latvia’s Foreign Ministry’s State Secretary, accentuated the role of Germany in strengthening the unity and prosperity of Europe.

State Secretary of Ministery of Foreign Affairs Andris Pelšs took part in a joint meeting with his counterparts from Germany and the Baltic states. Andris Pelšs is there for consultations between the State Secretaries of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Baltic States and Germany.

Andreas Michaelis, Secretary of State at the Federal Foreign Office, represented the German side, during the meetings.

Agenda and Reasons for Consultation

The meeting with the Baltic state’s Ministers was focused on the prosperity of Europe and the unity of states.  While there, they will focus on the Ukraine situation and border casualties.

As well as the latest developments at the Ukrainian border. The main agenda was to discuss the security threats to Europe. Latvia and its counterparts focused on tensions and relationships with Russia and Belarus.

Agreements and European Union member state

All members of the European Union are in agreement to show unity in any situation. States’ representatives will discuss a quick response to Russia if there is any threat to Europe.

NATO officials were also present in the meetings. All parties agreed to fully support Ukraine. Andris Pelšs also urged the members to give full support as well as increased assistance when possible.

Role of Germany in strengthening, unity, and prosperity of Europe

The Latvian State Secretary underscored the role of Germany in strengthening, the unity and security of the whole of Europe.

Andris Pelšs said, “ Germany is our close ally. It has an important role in the region and the whole of Europe. We have great cooperation and the chance to work in defense and security policies. We have a great potential about joint working cooperation”.

China and NATO Relations with Europe

The attendees also discussed the EU-NATO and EU-China relations during the consultations. Andris Pelšs also informed the participants about the Three Seas Initiatives Summit and Business Forum to be held in Riga.

State Secretary Andris’ Meetings with other Officials

Andris Pelšs also met with representatives of German Institutions for International and Security affairs. He discussed security matters. He also met with experts of Mercator Institute for China Studies to discuss EU-China relations.
