London, 9 September 2022 (TDI): Leaders and officials of the Latin American states condoled the Royal Family on the death of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (UK) and Commonwealth on 8 September 2022.
The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.
The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) September 8, 2022
The British Royal Family received condolences from the major states of Latin America including Argentina, Brazil, Peru, etc.
Condolences from Argentina and Brazil
Brazilian President, Jair M. Bolsonaro paid his condolences to Queen Elizabeth II. He posted a quote from the Late Queen on his official Twitter account.
“When life seems difficult, the brave don’t lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are even more determined to fight for a better future”.
“Quando a vida parece difícil, os corajosos não se deitam e aceitam a derrota; em vez disso, estão ainda mais determinados a lutar por um futuro melhor”
– Com tais palavras, Rainha Elizabeth II mostra por que não foi apenas a Rainha dos britânicos, mas uma rainha para todos nós.
— Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) September 8, 2022
President Bolsonaro paid tribute to the Late Queen and sent his and the Brazilian nation’s condolences to the Royal Family of the United Kingdom. He said that Queen Elizabeth II was an extraordinary woman, who showed excellence in her leadership.
– É com grande pesar e comoção que o Brasil recebe a notícia do falecimento de Sua Majestade a Rainha Elizabeth II, uma mulher extraordinária e singular, cujo exemplo de liderança, de humildade e de amor à pátria seguirá inspirando a nós e ao mundo inteiro até o fim dos tempos.
— Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) September 8, 2022
The President of Brazil also announced three days of mourning across the country. He added that all the Brazilians will be invited to pay tribute to the late Queen of the United Kingdom.
– Nesta data triste para o mundo, decretamos três dias de luto oficial e convidamos todo o povo brasileiro a prestar homenagens à Rainha Elizabeth II.
— Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) September 8, 2022
The official source of the President’s Office of Argentina also announced the position of sorrow on the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
El Gobierno argentino saluda y acompaña al pueblo y Gobierno británico ante el fallecimiento de su jefa de Estado, la reina Isabel II.
— Casa Rosada (@CasaRosada) September 8, 2022
The Foreign Ministry of Argentina also paid its condolences to the government and the people of the United Kingdom.
The Foreign Ministry also extended condolences to the Royal Family and gave tribute to the reign of Queen Elizabeth II from 1952 to 2022.
Isabel Alejandra María Windsor (1926-2022), Reina del Reino Unido bajo el nombre de Isabel II desde 1952. El Gobierno de la República Argentina expresa su pesar por su fallecimiento y acompaña al pueblo británico y a su familia en este momento de dolor.
— Cancillería Argentina 🇦🇷 (@CancilleriaARG) September 8, 2022
Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru expressed sorrow
The Foreign Ministry of Chile announced the position of sorrow by the government and the people of Chile. It paid condolences to the British government. The Chilean Foreign Ministry also extended condolences to the Royal Family and Commonwealth nations.
El Gobierno de Chile lamenta profundamente el fallecimiento de Su Majestad, la Reina Isabel II.
Extendemos nuestras sinceras condolencias al pueblo de Reino Unido y la Mancomunidad de Naciones, así como a la familia real británica.— Cancillería Chile 🇨🇱 (@Minrel_Chile) September 8, 2022
Colombia’s Foreign Minister, Alvaro Leyva Duran said that Queen Elizabeth II was an example of strong unity within her nation.
He added that the people and the government of Colombia regret the death of the late Queen. He extended his condolences to the Royal Family.
We regret the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was an example of unbreakable unity with her nation. Our condolences to the @RoyalFamily, to the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the irreparable loss to their country and the world.
— Álvaro Leyva Durán (@AlvaroLeyva) September 8, 2022
The President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso said that he was dismayed at the death of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. President Lasso paid his condolences to the children, grandchildren, and the entire Royal Family of Queen.
Consternado ante el fallecimiento de la Reina Isabel II, cuya larga vida y dedicación al servicio de su pueblo pasan a la historia como un reinado ejemplar, envío mis condolencias a sus hijos y nietos, a la familia real, al Gobierno y al pueblo del Reino Unido. Paz en su tumba.
— Guillermo Lasso (@LassoGuillermo) September 8, 2022
The Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Juan Carlos Holguin shared his condolences to the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, James Cleverly. Foreign Minister Holguin added that the Ecuadorian government stands with the United Kingdom in this sensitive time.
Mis condolencias al Secretario de Asuntos Exteriores @JamesCleverly y al gobierno y pueblos del Reino Unido y la Mancomunidad Británica ante el sensible fallecimiento de la reina Isabel II. Su largo reinado y ejemplo de servicio inspiran a gobernantes de todo el mundo.
— Juan Carlos Holguin (@juancaholguin) September 8, 2022
The President of Peru, Pedro Castillo Terrones expressed sorrow and sent condolences on the behalf of the Peruvian people. He added that the legacy of Queen Elizabeth II will always remain on top of history.
A nombre del pueblo peruano, expresamos nuestras condolencias a la familia real y a todo el Reino Unido por el fallecimiento de la Reina Isabel II de Inglaterra, monarca británica. Su legado con vocación de servicio y liderazgo quedarán en la historia.
— Pedro Castillo Terrones (@PedroCastilloTe) September 8, 2022
Regrets from Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, and Uruguay
The Foreign Minister of Cuba, Bruno Rodriguez paid condolences to the British government and the Royal Family over the occasion of the Queen’s death.
Con motivo del fallecimiento de Su Majestad, la Reina Isabel II, expreso las más sentidas condolencias a la Familia Real, al gobierno y pueblo británicos.
— Bruno Rodríguez P (@BrunoRguezP) September 8, 2022
Honduras’s Foreign Minister, Enrique Reina posted a tweet in solidarity with the Late Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He sent his tribute and sorrowful thoughts to the Royal Family of the UK.
Nuestras sinceras condolencias al pueblo y gobierno del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte por el fallecimiento de SM la Reina Isabel II, un mensaje de solidaridad a su familia.
— Enrique Reina (@EnriqueReinaHN) September 8, 2022
The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele conveyed his saddened remarks on the death of Queen Elizabeth II. He added that he and his wife, Gabriela Bukele have deepest sympathies for the British Royal Family & people. He added that the late Queen was an example of empathy and service.
I am deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. My wife Gabriela and I extend our deepest sympathies to the British people and the Royal Family.
Her Majesty’s legacy will always remain a touchstone for our shared values of empathy, solidarity and service.
— Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) September 8, 2022
The Foreign Ministry of Uruguay paid condolences and stated its position of sadness in an official press release on the death of the Queen.
Also Read: Queen Elizabeth dies at 96; officials send messages
It was added that the Foreign Ministry shared its condolences to the people and the Royal Family of the United Kingdom on behalf of the Uruguayan people.
Panama and Mexico condole Royal Family
Panama’s Foreign Minister, Erika Mouynes paid her condolences to the people and Royal Family in the United Kingdom. She also sent her sorrows to the British Ambassador to Panama, Tim Stew on the passing away of Queen Elizabeth II.
Likewise, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel sent his condolences to the Royal Family and the government of the United Kingdom.
Envío mis condolencias a los pueblos del Reino Unido por el fallecimiento de la Reina Isabel II, monarca británica y soberana de 14 estados independientes. De igual manera, las hago extensivas a sus familiares, amigos y miembros de la Casa Real.
— Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) September 8, 2022
He paid tribute to the reign of the late Queen as the longest reigning monarch of the UK and fourteen independent states.