HomeNewsDiplomatic NewsKazakhstan Deputy Foreign Minister joins OSCE journalist safety event

Kazakhstan Deputy Foreign Minister joins OSCE journalist safety event


Almaty, 27 June 2024 (TDI): Roman Vasilenko, Kazakhstan’s Deputy Foreign Minister, participated in the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) regional event titled “Beyond the headlines: protecting journalists to advance media freedom,” focusing on journalist safety.

Teresa Ribeiro’s Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media organized the event, titled “Beyond the headlines: protecting journalists to advance media freedom.”

The event convened media, academia, and civil society representatives from Central Asian countries and Mongolia.

At the meeting, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media’s Office showcased national instruments and initiatives concerning journalist safety.

This included presenting the “Toolkit for Ensuring the Safety of Journalists” and the “Guidelines for Monitoring Online Violence against Women Journalists” to participants.

Furthermore, T. Ribeiro emphasized the significance of holding such events, which provide a platform for open discussions on positive initiatives to enhance journalist safety.

She highlighted that these efforts are crucial for supporting media freedom, democracy, and security.

In turn, R. Vasilenko said that since the independence of Kazakhstan, the development of multifaceted cooperation with the OSCE and within the Organization has been one of the strategic priorities of our country’s foreign policy.

Media freedom advocates gather at OSCE forum
Media freedom advocates gather at OSCE forum

Moreover, it was emphasized that interaction with the OSCE aligns perfectly with Kazakhstan’s conceptual vision for development, particularly in implementing the reforms initiated by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

During its systemic transformation, Kazakhstan incorporates the best practices and recommendations from international organizations such as the UN and the OSCE.

In this regard, the Kazakhstani diplomat thanked T. Ribeiro for the expert recommendations provided by the Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media for the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Mass Media,” which was signed by the Head of State on June 19, 2024.

Additionally, R. Vasilenko emphasized that free and independent media are fundamental to sustainable development, protecting human rights, and strengthening democracy.

According to him, the safety of journalists is essential for implementing the universal and inalienable right to freedom of expression and freedom of the media.

In his speech at the event, Kanat Iskakov, Vice Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, emphasized the country’s leadership’s firm commitment to creating the most favourable conditions for journalists.

Furthermore, he highlighted the ongoing efforts to develop and strengthen the legal framework for protecting freedom of speech and ensuring the safety of journalists.

Also, he presented detailed information about the innovations introduced by the new Law on Mass Media, which, according to him, “fully meets all international standards, hopes, and aspirations of the Kazakhstani journalistic community.”

k. Iskakov emphasized the commitment to further close cooperation with the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and journalists to strengthen their safety, including at the regional level.

Also Read: Kazakhstan Foreign Minister engages with OSCE Chairman

Following the event, the parties agreed to continue the constructive partnership between the OSCE and Kazakhstan, particularly in implementing the systemic measures the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan took to protect freedom of speech and improve legal guarantees for journalists.

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