Tehran, 8 October 2023 (TDI): The Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry of Iran, Nasser Kanaani issued a statement today in response to the recent developments in occupied Palestine and the actions taken by Palestinians against the Zionist occupiers.

Nasser Kanaani expressed that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, initiated by the Palestinians represents a spontaneous and heartfelt response by the oppressed Palestinian people, defending their inherent and undeniable rights.

He emphasized that this operation stems from the Palestinians’ natural reaction to the provocative and incendiary policies pursued by the Zionists, particularly the extremist and adventurous actions of the usurping regime’s prime minister.

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Nasser Kanaani reiterated the inalienable right of the oppressed Palestinian people to defend themselves, their land, and their sacred sites against occupation, aggression, daily violations, and organized acts of terror perpetrated by the Zionist regime.

This right, he emphasized, aligns with recognized international standards and the fundamental principles of international law.

Highlighting recent desecrations of Islam’s holy sites by extremist and racist Zionists, as well as the ongoing policy of violence, crimes, and aggression against the Palestinian population.

He also underscored that the international community’s silence and inaction have left the Palestinian nation and its resistance with no choice but to defend themselves.

He reaffirmed the Islamic Republic of Iran’s support for the inherent and legal right of Palestinians to self-defense against 75 years of usurpation and injustice.

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He urged that the Zionist occupiers and their supporters be held responsible for the continuation and escalation of violence and atrocities against the Palestinians.

Iran called upon Muslim countries to unite in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

This statement reflects Iran’s commitment to promoting peace, justice, and the rights of the Palestinian people in the face of ongoing challenges.