Farhat Asif

As a graduate of International Relations, I have come to realize that there are numerous opportunities available to individuals with this degree. However, many students are unaware of these opportunities as they primarily focus on their classes and assignments.

International Relations graduates possess the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in various roles such as communications strategists, risk analysts, diplomats, support staff in embassies, consultants for global organizations, and foreign affairs correspondents.

It is particularly advantageous for IR graduates to develop skills and pursue opportunities that allow for earning in USD, rather than PKR, as inflation in Pakistan can significantly erode the purchasing power of one’s salary and make it challenging to save or invest for the future.

Earning in USD not only offers protection against inflation but also opens up a world of international opportunities and can increase earning potential.

Therefore, if you are a recent graduate with a degree in International Relations and seeking ways to earn dollars as a freelancer, this blog will provide you with the right skills and guidance to achieve your goals.

Why do students pursue an International Relations degree?

First, let us get deep into why students opt for international relations discipline.

There are various reasons why students worldwide pursue a degree in International Relations.

Some students may be interested in the field because they want to work in government or international organizations and have a role in shaping foreign policy.

Others may be interested in the field because they want to work in the private sector and be involved in international business.

Some students may also be interested in the field because they want to work in the non-profit sector and be involved in international development.

Additionally, some students may be interested in the field because they are fascinated by global issues and want to learn more about how countries interact with each other.

But whatever you do, you should begin thinking about earning in dollars and building your side hustle. Here is a quick guide on building your portfolio, finding clients, monetizing your services, networking, and earning in USD.

Here are a few options that you might be interested in exploring after completing your degree or even during the degree as well.

1. Content Creation:

There is a high demand for content creators who can write about international politics, foreign policy, and global issues. You can create a blog, start a YouTube channel, or register for websites and magazines that cover these topics.

Content creation can be an excellent way for International Relations graduates to earn dollars as freelancers.

The key to success in this field is to find a niche that you can write about with authority and passion.

Here are some steps to help you get started:

Define your niche: The first step in content creation is to identify a specific area of international relations that you are passionate about and know about. This could be a specific region, country, or topic such as international security, human rights, or global governance. By narrowing your focus, you can become an expert in your niche and attract a dedicated audience.

Conduct research: Once you have identified your niche, it’s important to research to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in your area of interest. This can include reading news articles, following relevant organizations and experts on social media, and attending webinars or conferences.

Create a content plan: Once you have a good understanding of your niche and the latest developments, you can create a content plan. This should include a schedule for creating and publishing content, as well as ideas for the types of content you will create (e.g., blog posts, videos, podcasts).

Start creating content: With a content plan in place, you can start creating content. It’s important to remember that quality is more important than quantity. Take the time to create well-researched and well-written content that provides value to your readers.

Build an audience: As you create content, it’s essential to build an audience. Share your content on social media, reach out to other bloggers and influencers in your niche, and engage with your readers by responding to comments and messages. It’s better to attach with a publication like The Diplomatic Insight, which offers a range of audiences, including diplomats, Ambassadors, and ministries of foreign affairs.

2. Translation Services:

If you are fluent in multiple languages, you can offer translation services to clients. This can include translating documents, subtitles, or even interpreting during virtual meetings.

Offering translation services as a freelancer can be an excellent way for International Relations graduates to earn dollars. With knowledge of multiple languages and an understanding of cultural nuances, you can provide high-quality translation services to clients. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Identify your languages: The first step in offering translation services is to identify the languages you are fluent in. Make sure to list all the languages you can translate professionally; it will help you to find the right clients and projects.

Develop your skills: To provide high-quality translation services, it’s important to develop your skills. This can include taking a course on translation, practicing your skills by translating texts and reading about cultural nuances and idiomatic expressions.

Remember, building a successful translation business takes time and effort. But with the right skills, portfolio, and persistence, you can establish yourself as a trusted translator and earn dollars as a freelancer.

3. Research and Analysis:

With your knowledge of international relations, you can offer research and analysis services to clients. This can include researching specific countries, industries, or regions, analyzing political and economic trends, and providing strategic recommendations.

Research and analysis can be an excellent way for International Relations graduates to earn in dollars as a freelancer. With your knowledge of international relations, you can offer research and analysis services to clients in various industries. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Identify your area of expertise: The first step in offering research and analysis services is to identify the location of international relations that you are most knowledgeable about. This could be a specific region, country, or topic such as international security, human rights, or global governance. By narrowing your focus, you can become an expert in your area and attract the right clients.

Develop your research skills: To provide high-quality research and analysis services, it’s important to develop your research skills. This can include taking a course on research methods, familiarizing yourself with different data sources, and learning how to use research tools such as SPSS, STATA, and Excel.

4. International Consultancy:

International Relations (IR) graduates often approach international consultancy by gaining relevant experience in their field of interest. This can include working in government, non-governmental organizations, or international institutions such as the United Nations.

This experience helps them to develop a deep understanding of the issues and actors involved in the international arena, as well as the skills necessary to navigate it effectively.

Additionally, IR graduates often seek out specialized training or education in areas such as policy analysis, conflict resolution, or development. This can include pursuing advanced degrees in public policy or international development or completing professional development courses or certifications.

Networking is also an essential aspect of finding opportunities in international consultancy. IR graduates can make connections through professional associations, alumni networks, or through participating in relevant conferences and events.

Once they have relevant experience, education, and connections, IR graduates can then begin to actively seek out opportunities in international consultancy. This can include applying for positions at consulting firms, pitching proposals to potential clients, or even starting a consulting business.

In summary, IR graduates can approach international consultancy by gaining relevant experience and education, building their professional network, and actively seeking out opportunities through job searches or proposal pitches.

5. Virtual Tutoring/Teaching:

International Relations (IR) graduates interested in virtual tutoring and teaching can approach this career path by first gaining relevant experience and education in their field of interest.

This can include working as a teaching assistant for an IR course, tutoring students individually, or even teaching a course themselves. This experience helps them to develop a deep understanding of the subject matter and the skills necessary to effectively communicate and convey it to others.

Additionally, IR graduates can seek out specialized training or education in areas such as pedagogy or online teaching. This can include pursuing advanced degrees in fields such as education or instructional design or completing professional development courses or certifications in online teaching.

Networking is also an essential aspect of finding opportunities in virtual tutoring and teaching. IR graduates can make connections through professional associations, alumni networks, or through participating in relevant conferences and events.

Once they have relevant experience, education, and connections, IR graduates can then begin to actively seek out opportunities in virtual tutoring and teaching. This can include applying for positions at online schools or universities, creating and selling online courses, or offering private tutoring services.

IR graduates can approach virtual tutoring and teaching by gaining relevant experience and education, building their professional network, and actively seeking opportunities through a job search or creating their businesses.

6. Steps to build your online business as an IR graduate

Now you know various options to start an online career to develop your business and passive or active income.

Build a portfolio: As you develop your skills, it’s essential to build a portfolio of your work. This can include samples of your research and analysis, client testimonials, and a description of your services.

Find clients: Once you have a portfolio, you can start to find clients. Several platforms connect freelancers with clients looking for research and analysis services. Some popular platforms include Upwork, Freelancer, and LinkedIn.

Network: Another way to find clients is by networking. Attend events, participate in online forums, and reach out to other researchers for potential collaboration or referral opportunities.

Monetize your services: Once you have built a reputation as a reliable research and analysis freelancer, you can start to monetize your services. This can include charging hourly rates, flat fees for specific projects, or selling your research findings to clients.
Once you have built a dedicated audience, you can start to monetize your content. This can include advertising, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing.

Find clients: Once you have a portfolio, you can start to find clients. Several platforms connect freelancers with clients looking for translation services. Some popular platforms include Upwork, Freelancer, TranslatorsCafe, and Proz.

Network: Another way to find clients is by networking. Attend events, participate in online forums, and reach out to other translators for potential collaboration or referral opportunities.

And finally, Be Professional: Once you have clients, you must be professional in your work. This means meeting deadlines, communicating effectively, and providing high-quality work.

Remember, freelancing can be a competitive field, but with the right strategy and persistence, you can earn dollars as an International Relations freelancer. Build a robust online presence, network with professionals in the industry, and always be on the lookout for new opportunities.